Party: Conservative
Division: Billingshurst
Correspondence address:
Cabinet Office
County Hall
West Sussex
PO19 1RQ
Council phone: 033 022 22874 (Cabinet Office)
Download Councillor Amanda Jupp contact details as VCard
Amanda has lived in the Billingshurst area for over 45 years and has been involved in a number of voluntary organisations locally during that time.
Her career started in London working in the property sector and after having a family, she returned to work based in Sussex as an Area Manager for a national charity that supported older people. This gave her an insight into the challenges of later life, social isolation and health issues so when she was first elected as a County Councillor in 2009, she joined the Health and Adults Scrutiny Committee as she wished to widen her knowledge as well as contribute her experience.
Amanda was Chairman of the County Council from 2013 to 2015, which brought her into contact with many residents, including a number of volunteers, which again she found very enlightening.
She has enjoyed being involved in many different aspects of the Council, including sitting on the Rights of Way Committee, the Corporate Parenting Panel, Adoption Panel and the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee. She has also been Cabinet Member for Adults and Health as well as Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The area Amanda represents is rural with several villages and hamlets but Billingshurst is the largest settlement and it has seen a considerable growth of new housing in recent years. There is often a wide range of issues and she believes her role is to listen to residents’ concerns and be as supportive and helpful as she can.
Amanda is the Cabinet Member for Adults Services.
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