Venue: Virtual meeting with restricted public access
Contact: Rob Castle on 033 022 22546 Email:
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Committee members and officers must declare any pecuniary or personalinterest in any business on the agenda. They should also make declarations at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting. Consideration should be given to leaving the meeting if the nature of the interest warrants it. If in doubt please contact Democratic Services before the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: 12.1 In accordance with the code of conduct, the following personal interest was declared: -
12.2 Cllr Turner in respect of item 5, Primary Care Restoration and Future Planning in West Sussex as a pharmacist. |
Urgent Matters Items not on the agenda which the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances, including cases where the Committee needs to be informed of budgetary or performance issues affecting matters within its terms of reference, which have emerged since the publication of the agenda. Additional documents: Minutes: 13.1 The Chairman reported that since the publication of the agenda there had been three new appointments to the Committee.
13.2 Resolved – that the Committee notes the appointments of Cllr Joss Loader (representing Adur District Council) and Cllr Bob Burgess (representing Crawley Borough Council) to the Committee and the appointment of Cllr Sean McDonald to fill the Conservative substitute vacancy. |
Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee PDF 141 KB The Committee is asked to agree the minutes of the meeting held on 9 September 2020 (cream paper). Additional documents: Minutes: 14.1 Resolved – that the minutes of the meeting held on 9 September 2020 are approved as a correct record and are signed by the Chairman. |
Responses to Recommendations PDF 117 KB The Committee is asked to note the responses to recommendations made at the 9 September 2020 meeting from: -
a) The Cabinet Member for Adults & Health b) West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group Additional documents:
Minutes: 15.1 Resolved – that the Committee notes the responses to recommendations made at its 9 September 2020 meeting. |
Primary Care Restoration and Future Planning in West Sussex PDF 77 KB The purpose of this agenda item is for the Committee to scrutinise how the West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group is planning to commission General Practice moving forward and how the enablers of this provision are supported in West Sussex.
Key areas for discussion include how learning from the delivery of general practice throughout the Covid-19 pandemic can be developed, as part of the overall restoration of services for West Sussex residents.
Enablers for the Committee to focus on are restoration; digital; workforce and estates. Additional documents:
Minutes: 16.1 The Committee considered a presentation and reports by West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group and reports by Healthwatch West Sussex (copies appended to the signed minutes). The presentation was introduced in four parts – Restoration and Recovery, Digital Access, Workforce and Estates.
16.2 Sarah Henley – Director of Primary Care introduced the section on Restoration and Recovery highlighting the following: -
16.3 Hugo Luck – Deputy Director of Primary Care added the following: -
· The CCG’s winter plan would focus on resilience and those most at risk · It would also focus on getting patients to the right care at the right time, freeing up A&E as much as possible backed up by a system-wide communications campaign
16.4 Laura Robertson – Associate Director of Communications and Engagement told the Committee that the system-wide communications campaign is being carried out in conjunction with partners across the whole of Sussex and work was taking place with community groups to help spread the word, especially to those without computer access.
16.5 Summary of responses to committee members’ questions and comments: -
The Committee is asked to consider recommendations included in the report and agree that they be shared with the Cabinet Member for Adults and Health (Chairman of West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board) and the West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group Managing Director. Additional documents: Minutes: 17.1 Before considering the Task and Finish Group’s report the Chairman invited Dr Tony Hill, Interim Director of Public Health, to give an update on the Covid-19 situation in West Sussex: -
17.2 Amanda Jupp, Cabinet Member for Adults & Health, told the Committee that: -
17.3 The Committee considered a report by the Chairman of the Task & Finish Group on Covid-19 Preparedness and Restoration, Recovery Planning in West Sussex.
17.4 Resolved – That the Committee agrees that the recommendations of the Task & Finish Group be shared with the Cabinet Member for Adults and Health (Chairman of West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board) and the West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group Executive Managing Director. |
Forward Plan of Key Decisions PDF 174 KB Extract fromthe ForwardPlan dated 2 November 2020.
Anextract fromanyForwardPlan publishedbetween the date of despatchof the agenda and the date of the meetingwill be tabled at the meeting.
The Committee is asked to consider whetheritwishes to enquireinto any of the forthcoming decisions withinits portfolio. Additional documents: Minutes: 18.1 Resolved – That the Committee agrees that a briefing on the proposed decision on extension of contracts for the provision of Specialist Health Services for people with learning disabilities and autism in West Sussex, should come to the next meeting of the Business Planning Group.
Work Programme Planning and Possible Items for Future Scrutiny PDF 91 KB The Committee is asked to review its draft work programme for the remainder of the County Council term and mention any items which they believe to be of relevance to the business of the Scrutiny Committee, and suitable for scrutiny, e.g. raised with them by constituents arising from central government initiatives etc.
If any member puts forward such an item, the Committee’s role at this meeting is just to assess, briefly, whether to refer the matter to its Business Planning Group (BPG) to consider in detail. Additional documents: Minutes: 19.1 Resolved – That the Committee notes its draft work programme. |
Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Committee will be held on 13 January 2021 at 10.30 am by a virtual meeting. Probable agenda items include:
· Adults Services Improvement (Inquiry Day) · Proposals to improve Mental Health Services in West Sussex (outcome of public consultation by West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group and Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust)
Any member of the Committee wishing to place an item on the agenda for the meeting must notify the Director of Law and Assurance by 24 December 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: 20.1 The next meeting of the Committee will take place on 13 January 2021. |