Committee details

Horsham Fire Station Task and Finish Group

Purpose of committee



A Joint Task and Finish Group to scrutinise the proposed Cabinet decision for the delivery of a new Horsham Fire Station and Fire & Rescue Service Training Centre.


Terms of Reference


1.           A Joint Task and Finish Group (TFG) of members of the Performance and Finance and Fire and Rescue Service Scrutiny Committees, to scrutinise the proposed Cabinet decision for the delivery of a new Horsham Fire Station and Fire & Rescue Service (FRS) Training Centre. The TFG will undertake its work at a single meeting on 28 August 2020 and report its findings to Cabinet on 15 September.


2.           The role of the TFG is to consider and form conclusions and recommendations on:


·         The rationale for the proposal from an FRS perspective by reference to service improvement aims and the requirements of the Integrated Risk Management Plan;

·         The financial implications for the Council of the proposal and whether these are sufficiently addressed to support the proposal;

·         Whether there are other factors or considerations which the report should cover before the proposal is considered by the Cabinet


3.           Membership of the TFG is drawn from members of the Performance and Finance and Fire and Rescue Service Scrutiny Committees as follows:Cllr Joy Dennis, Cllr Steve Waight, Cllr Liz Kitchen, Cllr Michael Jones and Cllr Bob Smytherman.


4.           Support for the TFG is as follows:


·         Service Lead officers: Sabrina Cohen-Hatton (Chief Fire Officer), Neil Stocker, (Deputy Chief Fire Officer), Katharine Eberhart (Director of Finance and Support Services) and Nick Burrell (Strategic Manager, Growth and One Public Estate Programmes);

·         Democratic Services officer support: Rachel Allan (Senior Advisor) and Rob Castle (Assistant Democratic Services Officer)


5.           The TFG will provide a report to Cabinet with its conclusions and recommendations.  This will be published on the Council’s website and copied for information to all Performance and Finance and Fire and Rescue Service Scrutiny Committee members.


Current status


There was one meeting on 28 August 2020.


Contact information

Support officer: Rob Castle on 033 022 22546. Email: