Agenda and minutes

Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 14 June 2023 10.30 am

Venue: County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ

Contact: Rob Castle on 033 022 22546  Email:


No. Item


Election of Chairman

The Committee is asked to elect a Chairman for 2023-24 from the county councillors on the Committee (as listed below).


Cllr Ali, Cllr Atkins, Cllr Cooper, Cllr Dunn, Cllr Forbes, Cllr Johnson, Cllr Nagel, Cllr Dr O’Kelly, Cllr Patel, Cllr Pudaloff, Cllr Wall and Cllr Dr Walsh.


If the election is contested, a secret ballot will be held in accordance with Standing Order 2.17.

Additional documents:


1.1    Cllr Wall was proposed as Chairman by Cllr Ali. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Patel. There were no other nominations.


1.2    Resolved – that Cllr Wall is elected as Chairman of the Committee for the year.


Election of Vice Chairman

The Committee is asked to elect a Vice Chairman for 2023-24 from the county councillors on the Committee (as listed below).


Cllr Ali, Cllr Atkins, Cllr Cooper, Cllr Dunn, Cllr Forbes, Cllr Johnson, Cllr Nagel, Cllr Dr O’Kelly, Cllr Patel, Cllr Pudaloff, Cllr Wall and Cllr Dr Walsh.


If the election is contested, a secret ballot will be held in accordance with Standing Order 2.17.

Additional documents:


2.1     Cllr Cooper was proposed as Vice Chairman by Cllr Patel. The proposal was seconded by Cllr Ali. There were no other nominations.


2.2     Resolved – that Cllr Cooper is elected as Vice Chairman of the Committee for the year.


Business Planning Group Membership pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Report by the Director of Law and Assurance.


The Committee is asked to review the membership of the Business Planning Group in view of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman appointments.


The Group should have five members including the Committee’s Chairman, Vice-Chairman and at least two minority group members.

Additional documents:



Committee Membership

The Committee to approve the co-opted membership of the Committee as follows: -


Vacancy (Chichester District Council)

Cllr Bevis (Horsham District Council)

Cllr Loader (Adur District Council)

Cllr Peacock (Mid Sussex District Council)

Cllr Needs (Arun District Council)

Cllr Khan – (Crawley Borough Council)

Cllr Glyn-Davies – (Worthing Borough Council)

Vacancy – Healthwatch West Sussex

Additional documents:


4.1       The membership of the Committee was noted.


Declarations of Interest

Members and officers must declare any pecuniary or personalinterest in any business on the agenda. They should also make declarations at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting. Consideration should be given to leaving the meeting if the nature of the interest warrants it.  If in doubt please contact Democratic Services before the meeting.

Additional documents:


5.1     In accordance with the code of conduct, the following interest was declared: -


·         Cllr Cooper declared a personal interest in respect of item 9, The Sussex Shared Delivery Plan, as a Governor of University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust


Minutes of the last meeting of the Committee pdf icon PDF 89 KB

The Committee is asked to agree the minutes of the meeting held on 8 March 2023 (cream paper).

Additional documents:



Responses to Recommendations pdf icon PDF 110 KB

The Committee is asked to note the responses to recommendations made at previous meetings of the Committee.

Additional documents:


7.1      Resolved – that: -


             i.        the letter sent to West Sussex MPs and its response, when received, will be published as part of the agenda of a future meeting

            ii.        any further letters to West Sussex MPs will be shared with the Leader of the Council

           iii.        the Committee notes the responses to recommendations made at its 8 March 2023 meeting


The Sussex Shared Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 94 KB

The report provides an update on achieving the final iteration of the draft Sussex Shared Delivery Plan, endorsed by system partners at the Sussex Health and Care Partnership Leaders Check-in 25 May.


The Committee to seek assurance on the process undertaken to draft the Shared Delivery Plan, and its content.

Additional documents:


8.1      The Committee considered a report by Health Integration (copy appended to the signed minutes).


8.2      Summary of responses to committee members’ questions and comments: -


·         The Committee felt that

Ø  the target for waiting times were unambitious for patients in Accident & Emergency departments, those needing elective care, cancer diagnosis and treatment

Ø  proposals for the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service needed further work

Ø  targets regarding the ease of patients contacting practices and accessing more appointments were unambitious

Ø  clearer timelines and key performance indicators were needed

Ø  an active travel plan should be included

Ø  comparative figures from other areas would be useful

Ø  care pathways were needed

Ø  clarity was needed regarding lead officers for specific projects/areas of work

Ø  climate change/severe weather is not mentioned

Ø  more detail concerning people with disabilities was required

Ø  co-ordination with other Sussex authorities was important

·         The Committee heard that having a shared plan through partnership working will make a difference and that the ambitions in the Plan were realistic with achievable targets balancing short and long-term action

·         Community diagnostics will be developed in Crawley and a new Bognor Regis Diagnostics Academic Centre was planned in conjunction with Chichester University

·         There has been increasing investment in virtual wards and the Home First Programme

·         Funds were available for operational proposals – the 20% reduction in running costs from 2024/25 and further 10% reduction from 2025/26 was for the functioning of the Integrated Care Board (ICB)

·         Children’s mental health and dentistry are two key areas of focus of the Plan

·         Digital access accelerated during the Covid pandemic and most people had good experiences with it – it can also help people manage their own health

·         The NHS was aiming for a mixture of digital and traditional access to services

·         The voluntary sector is happy to be involved and the desire is to make volunteers feel part of teams

·         Integrated working should help with increasing need and demand for services by being more efficient and identifying the right support for people earlier

·         Concerns with specific providers would be followed-up and support given to help them improve - monitoring would be undertaken by the ICB

·         The public will be able to track delivery of the Plan

·         The Committee praised

Ø  the innovative employment scheme

Ø  the NHS App

Ø  the roll-out of mental health ambulances

Ø  integrated community teams


8.3      Resolved – that the Committee asks: -


             i.        to consider the progress and delivery of the Shared Delivery Plan on an annual basis

            ii.        its Business Planning Group to identify specific strands of work within the Shared Delivery Plan for further, more detailed scrutiny

          iii.        to receive updates from Brighton and Hove City Council and East Sussex County Council on work undertaken on the Shared Delivery Plan


End of March 2023 (Quarter 4) Quarterly Performance and Resources Report pdf icon PDF 85 KB

A report by the Chief Executive and Director of Finance and Support Services setting out the corporate performance, finance, workforce, risk and capital programme positions as at the end of March 2023.


The Committee is asked to examine the data and supporting commentary for the Performance and Resources report and make any recommendations for action to the relevant Cabinet Member.

Additional documents:


9.1      The Committee considered a report by the Chief Executive and Director of Finance and Support Services (copy appended to the signed minutes).


9.2      Summary of responses to committee members’ questions and comments:


·         It was suggested that the measure ‘The proportion of adults with a learning disability in paid employment’ be replaced with one that includes figures for paid/voluntary work and apprenticeships for all people with a disability (and not just people with a learning disability) known to adult social care – ACTION: Adults’ Services to develop a new local measure and bring it to a future meeting

·         Measures relating to delayed transfer of care were being removed as national indicators and although the Council does not have any corporate indicators for this, the Adults’ Services Directorate does, and monitors the situation closely

·         Regarding Core Measure 38 (CM38), the Council will prioritise reviews so the figure of those assessed won’t change

·         Reviews will be based on social services’ knowledge of people and their circumstances

·         The resources are not available to undertake reviews annually

·         CM38 is a national measure so benchmarking against other authorities is possible

·         There were concerns that polluted sea and river water posed a risk to public health and a query as to whether the Cabinet Member for Public Health & Wellbeing could discuss this with the water authorities

·         Treatment for drug and alcohol addiction came from the Public Health Grant and other sources – the Council’s substance misuse services are currently being re-commissioned – ACTION: Alison Challenger, Director of Public Health, to provide more information


9.3      Resolved – that the Committee: -


                i.      supports the removal of the Key Performance Indicator relating to adults with learning disabilities in paid employment and welcomes a future proposal on how this can be best monitored

               ii.      supports the revision of key performance indicators referred to in the report detailed in Appendix F

             iii.      recognises the proposed changes as detailed in Appendix E relating to changes in national reporting and welcomes any benchmarking data that is available

             iv.     receives data on the total number of reviews undertaken within a year as part of the next policy and resources report for Core Measure 38

               v.     for the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing to consider if future reporting could include data on water/sea pollution and measures to report safety levels for the public


Forward Plan of Key Decisions pdf icon PDF 131 KB

Extract from the Forward Plan dated 1 June 2023 – attached.


An extract from any Forward Plan relevant to the Committee’s portfolio published between the date of despatch of the agenda and the date of the meeting will be tabled at the meeting.


The Committee is asked to consider whether it wishes to enquire into any of the forthcoming decisions within its portfolio.

Additional documents:


10.1      Resolved – that the Committee notes the Forward Plan of Key Decisions.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 78 KB

The Committee to review its draft work programme taking into consideration the checklist at Appendix A.

Additional documents:


11.1      The Committee considered its Work Programme and raised the following queries/suggestions: -


·         An update on St Richard’s Hospital, Chichester cancer services required as soon as possible – ACTION: Pennie Ford, West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group, to liaise with Rachel Allan, Senior Adviser, about when an initial update could be given to the Committee’s Business Planning Group

·         An update on the Shaw Healthcare Contract – ACTION: Alan Sinclair, Executive Director of Adults and Health, to provide an update in the near future

·         To consider adding sexual health and vaping in young people to the Work Programme


11.2      Resolved – that the Committee notes its Work Programme.


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Committee will be held on 15 September 2023 at 10.30 am at County Hall, Chichester.  Probable agenda items include:


·         End of June 2023 (Quarter 1) Quarterly Performance and Resources Report


Any member wishing to place an item on the agenda for the meeting must notify the Director of Law and Assurance by 31 August 2023.

Additional documents:
