Agenda, decisions and minutes

Cabinet - Tuesday, 25 June 2024 2.30 pm

Venue: County Hall, Chichester, PO19 1RQ

Contact: Email: 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members and officers must declare any pecuniary or personal interest in any business on the agenda. They should also make declarations at any stage such an interest becomes apparent during the meeting. Consideration should be given to leaving the meeting if the nature of the interest warrants it. If in doubt please contact Democratic Services before the meeting.

Additional documents:


1.1        The Leader welcomed Leigh Whitehouse, Chief Executive, and Mike Suarez, Interim Director of Finance and Support Services, to their first Cabinet meeting.

1.2        The Leader expressed congratulations to Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, Emily King and Mary Nye on their awards in the King's Birthday Honours List.

1.3        No declarations of interest were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 59 KB

Cabinet Members are asked to agree the minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2024 (cream paper).

Additional documents:


2.1        Resolved – that the minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2024 be approved as a correct record and that they be signed by the Chairman.


Performance and Resources Report - Quarter 4 2023/24 CAB01 (24/25) pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Report by Chief Executive and Interim Director of Finance and Support Services.

The Cabinet is invited to consider and comment on the Quarter 4 Performance and Resources Report, and consider the outlined recommendations within the report.

Additional documents:


Following consideration of the report, the Cabinet:

(1)         Approves the overall revenue and capital financial outturn position within the Performance and Resources Report including:

a.    Agreeing the overall revenue outturn overspend position of £6.315m, which is made up of the following items:

                                         i.    Overspending on service Portfolio Budgets of £34.692m,

                                        ii.    Additional Financing Income received of £7.534m,

                                       iii.    A mix of additional funding and unspent budget within Non-Portfolio Budgets of £20.843m – this includes £13.008m of Contingency which remained unallocated in year.

b.    Noting the required draw-down of £6.315m from the Budget Management Reserve.

c.    Agreeing the overall capital outturn position of £119.273m, compared to the revised Capital Programme forecast of £122.040m.

(2)         Approves a new Fee and Charge for Biodiversity Net Gain, as detailed in paragraphs 1.24 - 1.26, from 1 April 2024.

(3)         Approves the proposed changes to the Key Performance Indicator measures KPI 22 and KPI 62 as detailed in paragraph 1.5.

The call-in deadline is 4 July 2024.


3.1        The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Executive and Interim Director of Finance and Support Services (copy appended to the signed minutes).

3.2        The Leader gave a summary of the report which showed performance against the Council Plan.

3.3        Cllr Hunt, Cabinet Member for Finance and Property, introduced the report and explained that a replenishment plan would be made for the use of reserves in response to the overspend.  Investigations were underway into grant funding opportunities.  Mitigations were also being considered.  The rising cost of social care placements were noted as was the impact on the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) element of the DSG deficit.  An underspend in Highways had been realised, but it was confirmed this was not due to a reduction in maintenance activity which had received and used additional funding.

3.4        Mike Suarez, Interim Director of Finance and Support Services, confirmed that the report had been scrutinised at the recent Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee (PFSC).  It was also reported that the unaudited accounts for the County Council had now been published.

3.5        The following points were made by Scrutiny Committee Chairmen.

a.  Cllr Bradbury, Chairman of PFSC, confirmed that the identified savings would be subject to particular scrutiny.  PFSC also had an interest in Oracle Fusion, and would be monitoring the associated risks and the delivery of benefits.  The data on workforce and sickness absence was noted and the work in this area was praised and would continue to be monitored.

b.  Cllr Boram, Chairman of the Fire & Rescue Service Scrutiny Committee (FRSSC), confirmed that the Committee had noted the underspend overall.  All performance measures had been met and the high number of safe and well visits undertaken was praised.  The Committee were happy with the processes and risk considerations in place for the revised response to automatic alarms.

c.  Cllr Dabell, Vice-Chairman of the Children and Young People's Services Scrutiny Committee, confirmed that the Committee had looked at the SEND improvement plan and was closely monitoring key performance indicators.  The KPI for disadvantaged pupils was being monitored.  Home to School budget pressures were also being watched.

d.  Cllr Wall, Chairman of the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee, confirmed that the Committee had been monitoring the sexual and mental health activities.  The overspend was noted but reflected that it represented 4% of the overall budget.

3.6        The following points were made by Cabinet Members in discussion.

a.  The Leader observed the increased demand and complexity of the pressures in the Children and Young People portfolio.  It was noted that the Adults and Children areas were particularly reactive services in areas of increasingly complex demand.

b.  Cllr Russell, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills, confirmed that wait times in the early health service were reducing.  Social worker caseloads were being monitored and found to be reasonable.  Backlogs in the service were continuing to be addressed and timeliness had improved.  The handover of Woodlands Meed from the contractor  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service Statement of Assurance 2023-2024 CAB02 (24/25) pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Report by the Chief Fire Officer.

Cabinet is requested to approve the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service Annual Statement of Assurance 2023-24.

Additional documents:


Following consideration of the report, the Cabinet approves the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service Annual Statement of Assurance 2023-24.

The call-in deadline is 4 July 2024.


4.1        The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Fire Officer (copy appended to the signed minutes).

4.2        Cllr Crow introduced the report which reports performance for the year 2023-24 and has been presented in a clear and understandable format for the public.  The report covers adherence to the five identified priorities and how best use was being made of resources. 

4.3        Sabrina Cohen-Hatton, Chief Fire Officer, noted that the report covered the previous year but was built on five years of work.  The decision to not respond automatically to automated alarms had led to a 66% reduction in call outs.  This had allowed an increase in community safety activities.

4.4        Cllr Boram confirmed that FRSSC had reviewed the report against evidence to confirm its accuracy.  Following this confirmation, FRSSC endorses the report to Cabinet for approval.

4.5        The following points were made by Cabinet Members in discussion.

a.  Cllr Russell passed on congratulations to the whole fire and rescue service.  The work the service undertakes with children was particularly praised.  Raising fire safety awareness is also important.  Early intervention work was recognised and praise was given for the National Fire Chiefs Council National award that had been received.  The Learning Zone has great information and should be publicised further.

b.  Cllr Waight praised the format of the report.  The safe and well visit target being raised and exceeded was also noted.  The work to address the values service’s and cultures was highly praised and recognised for making a real difference.

4.6        Resolved that the Cabinet approves the West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service Annual Statement of Assurance 2023-24.


West Sussex Economy Board governance and appointments CAB03 (24/25) pdf icon PDF 51 KB

Report by the Director of Place and Director of Law and Assurance.

The Cabinet is asked to consider the recommendations concerning the West Sussex Economy Board establishment.

Additional documents:


Following consideration of the report, the Cabinet approves:

(1)        The Establishment of the West Sussex Economy Board in accordance with the arrangements set out in the report and that the Board be designated as an outside body for the purpose of making appointments to it.

(2)        That the authority to confirm the appointments to the Board, including the independent chair of the Board, be delegated to the Leader of the Council.

The call-in deadline is 4 July 2024.


5.1        The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Place and Director of Law and Assurance (copy appended to the signed minutes).

5.2        The Leader introduced the report and explained how the work to delegate the role of the Local Enterprise Partnership to upper tier authorities was progressing.  The interim board had been established and the report outlined the proposal to set up a long term Board.

5.3        Cllr Bradbury recognised this was a key piece of work and the proposed Board was a good way forwards to progress plans.

5.4        Cllr Lanzer welcomed the report and that the Board would have a majority private sector membership.  The importance of employment and the impact on mental health was raised.

5.5        Resolved that the Cabinet approves:

(1)         The Establishment of the West Sussex Economy Board in accordance with the arrangements set out in the report and that the Board be designated as an outside body for the purpose of making appointments to it.

(2)         That the authority to confirm the appointments to the Board, including the independent chair of the Board be delegated to the Leader of the Council.


Appointment to Outside Bodies CAB04 (24/25) pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Report by the Director of Law and Assurance.

The Cabinet is asked to approve the Outside Body appointments outlined in the report.

Additional documents:


Following consideration of the report, the Cabinet approves the following appointments:

(1)            The appointment of Cllr Simon Oakley to the Southern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee until May 2025.

(2)            The appointment of Cllr Deborah Urquhart to the Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Committee until May 2025.

(3)            The appointment of Cllr Zack Ali to the Police and Crime Panel until June 2025.

(4)            The appointment of Cllr Steve Waight to the Gatwick Noise Management Board in place of Cllr Katie Nagel until May 2025.

(5)            The appointment of Cllr Noel Atkins to the Littlehampton Harbour Board until May 2025.

The call-in deadline is 4 July 2024.


6.1        The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Law and Assurance (copy appended to the signed minutes).

6.2        Tony Kershaw, Director of Law and Assurance, confirmed that all the appointments would be until May 2025 except for the Police and Crime Panel appointment which would be until June 2025.

6.3        Resolved that the Cabinet approves:

(1)         The appointment of Cllr Simon Oakley to the Southern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee until May 2025.

(2)         The appointment of Cllr Deborah Urquhart to the Sussex Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority Committee until May 2025.

(3)         The appointment of Cllr Zack Ali to the Police and Crime Panel until June 2025.

(4)         The appointment of Cllr Steve Waight to the Gatwick Noise Management Board in place of Cllr Katie Nagel until May 2025.

(5)         The appointment of Cllr Noel Atkins to the Littlehampton Harbour Board until May 2025.


Emerging Issues

Cabinet Members are invited to provide any verbal updates on current, significant issues for their respective portfolios which may benefit from discussion.

Additional documents:


7.1        The Leader invited Cabinet Members to provide any verbal updates on current, significant issues from their respective portfolios that may benefit from discussion.

7.2        No updates were required.


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Cabinet will be held on 23 July 2024.

Additional documents:


8.1        The Cabinet noted that its next scheduled meeting will be held on 23 July 2024.