Councillor Paul Marshall

Profile image for Councillor Paul Marshall

Party: Conservative

Division: Storrington

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Cabinet Office
County Hall
West Sussex
PO19 1RQ

Council phone:  033 022 23841 (Cabinet Office)


Download Councillor Paul Marshall contact details as VCard


Committee appointments

Terms of office

  • 04/05/2017 - 06/05/2021
  • 06/05/2021 -

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional information

Cllr Paul Marshall lives in Washington village with his wife and two daughters and represents the Storrington division covering Ashington, Amberley, Parham, Storrington, Wiston & Washington villages. He previously sat as a Parish Councillor. Paul's career is in Retail and he has held a number of Directorships in Retail organisations that focused on Marketing, Supply Chain, Stores and Strategic Growth. He is currently a Consultant. The families' interests are in dogs and horses and one of his daughters competes competitively. They enjoy the countryside and are active in their rural lifestyle.


Allowances and expenses (opens in new window)


Map of Storrington division (opens in new window)
