Councillor Pieter Montyn

Profile image for Councillor Pieter Montyn

Party: Conservative

Division: The Witterings

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Chairman's Office
c/o County Hall, West Street
West Sussex
PO19 1RQ

Mobile:  07921 061082


Download Councillor Pieter Montyn contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Terms of office

  • 04/06/2009 - 02/05/2013
  • 02/05/2013 - 04/05/2017
  • 04/05/2017 - 06/05/2021
  • 06/05/2021 -

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional information

Pieter Montyn came to live and work in England from the Netherlands in 1967, and was granted UK nationality in 1974. His career spans 37 years in the UK aircraft and defence equipment industry (British Aerospace/BAE Systems and GEC), in which he held senior export management positions at home and overseas. He retired from the industry in 2004. He has a Master of Science degree in aeronautical engineering.


Pieter served as a Chichester District Councillor from 2006–15 and was elected to West Sussex County Council in June 2009. A widower with one son, Pieter has lived in Birdham since 2004.


Allowances and expenses (opens in new window)


Map of The Witterings division (opens in new window)
