Register of interests

Councillor Richard Burrett

I, Councillor Richard Burrett, as a member or co-opted member of West Sussex County Council, give notice that I have the following disclosable pecuniary interests, as required by Section 29 of the Localism Act 2011, and other interests, as required by the Council's code of conduct.

1. Employment or Business - Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain
Member My spouse or partner
I have been accredited by South-East Employers as a Member Peer, but have not undertaken any paid work for the organisation None
Occasional freelance DJ work -
2. Sponsorship - Names of persons (other than the authority) who have made payment to me in the last 12 months in respect of my election or any expenses incurred by me in carrying out my duties. This includes any payment or financial benefit from a trade union within the meaning of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992.
Member My spouse or partner
Crawley Conservative Association None
3. Contracts - Any contract which is made between the authority and the relevant person (or a body in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest) under which goods or services are to be provided or works are to be executed which has not been fully discharged
Member My spouse or partner
None None
4. Land - Any beneficial interest the responsible person has in land which is within the county of West Sussex
Member My spouse or partner
None None
5. Licences - Any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the area of the relevant authority for a month or longer
Member My spouse or partner
14 Brambletye Road, Furnace Green. Crawley, West Sussex RH10 6LD None
6. Corporate tenancies - Any tenancy where (a) the landlord is the relevant authority; and (b) the tenant is a body in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest
Member My spouse or partner
None None
7. Securities - Any beneficial interest in securities of a body where (a) That body has a place of business or land in the area of West Sussex; and (b) either (i) the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body; or (ii) if the share capital of that body is of more than one class, the total nominal value of the shares of any one class in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class.
Member My spouse or partner
None None
8. Any body to which I have been appointed or nominated by the Council
Name of Organisation Position
South-East Employers Chair of the organisation and Leader of the SEE Conservative Group, serving ex-officio as a member of the SEE Executive Committee, Regional Joint committee and the South-East Regional Council
West Sussex Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE) Chairman
Sussex University Annual Forum -
Gatwick Airport Community Trust Charity Trustee
Gatwick Greenspace Partnership -
Buchan County Park Advisory Board As a County Councillor, although I have not been formally appointed to the Board as a County Council representative
Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust Member
9. Any body exercising functions of a public nature (including other councils)
Name of Body Position
None None
10. Member of or any position of general control or management of the following charities or bodies directed to charitable purposes
Name of Body Position
Crawley Open House Charity Trustee and member of the Management Committee
Gatwick Airport Community Trust details as above
National Trust -
11. Any body one of whose principal purposes includes the influence of public opinion or policy (including political parties and trade unions)
Name of Body
Crawley Conservative Association - President
Crawley Conservative Association - Pound Hill, Worth, Maidenbower and Forge Wood Branch - Vice-Chairman (Policy and Campaigning).
Conservative Councillors' Association
12. Gifts and Hospitality - Any gifts or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £50
Nature of gift/hospitality Name of donor
None None