Forward Plan
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Declarations of interest
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Additional Foster Panel
Adoption Panel
Adults' Services Select Committee
Adur County Local Committee
Appeals Panel
Appointing Committee
Central and South Mid Sussex County Local Committee
Chanctonbury County Local Committee
Children and Young People's Services Scrutiny Committee
Children's Services Select Committee
Communities, Highways and Environment Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Parenting Panel
County Council
Crawley County Local Committee
East Crawley County Local Committee
Electoral Review Panel
Fire & Rescue Service Scrutiny Committee
Forward Plan
Governance Committee
Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee
Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Horsham Fire Station Task and Finish Group
Joint Downland Area Committee
Joint Eastern Arun Area Committee
Joint Western Arun Area Committee
Local Assistance Network Task and Finish Group
North Chichester County Local Committee
North Foster Panel
North Horsham County Local Committee
North Mid Sussex County Local Committee
Pension Advisory Board
Pensions Committee
Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee
Planning and Rights of Way Committee
Planning Committee
Policy and Resources Select Committee
Regulation, Audit and Accounts Committee
Rights of Way Committee
Small Schools Task and Finish Group
South Chichester County Local Committee
South East Foster Panel
South Mid Sussex County Local Committee
South West Foster Panel
Standards Assessment Sub-Committee
Standards Committee
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
Strategic Environment Services Select Committee
Sussex Police and Crime Panel
The Retained Duty System (RDS) Task and Finish Group
West Crawley County Local Committee
West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service Local Pension Board
West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board
Worthing County Local Committee
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Albury, Councillor Carson Albury
Ali, Councillor Zack Ali
Atkins, Councillor Noel Atkins
Baldwin, Councillor Andrew Baldwin
Baxter, Councillor Caroline Baxter
Bence, Councillor Trevor Bence
Boram, Councillor Kevin Boram
Bradbury, Councillor Pete Bradbury
Britton, Councillor David Britton
Burgess, Councillor Brenda Burgess
Burrett, Councillor Richard Burrett
Cherry, Councillor Richard Cherry
Chowdhury, Councillor Henna Chowdhury
Condie, Councillor Stuart Condie
Cooper, Councillor Alison Cooper
Cornell, Councillor Alison Cornell
Crow, Councillor Duncan Crow
Dabell, Councillor John Dabell
Dennis J, Councillor Joy Dennis
Dennis N, Councillor Nigel Dennis
Duncton, Councillor Janet Duncton
Dunn, Councillor Angus Dunn
Elkins, Councillor Roger Elkins
Evans, Councillor Emma Evans
Forbes, Councillor Bruce Forbes
Gibson, Councillor Ian Gibson
Greenway, Councillor Keir Greenway
Hall, Councillor Dawn Hall
Hillier, Councillor Stephen Hillier
Hunt, Councillor Jeremy Hunt
Johnson, Councillor Donna Johnson
Joy, Councillor Julian Joy
Jupp A, Councillor Amanda Jupp
Jupp N, Councillor Nigel Jupp
Kenyon, Councillor Charlotte Kenyon
Kerry-Bedell, Councillor Andrew Kerry-Bedell
Lanzer, Councillor Bob Lanzer
Linehan, Councillor Paul Linehan
Lord, Councillor Kirsty Lord
Markwell, Councillor Gary Markwell
Marshall, Councillor Paul Marshall
McDonald, Councillor Sean McDonald
McGregor, Councillor Andy McGregor
McKnight, Councillor Graham McKnight
Mercer, Councillor Jay Mercer
Milne, Councillor John Milne
Mitchell, Councillor Christian Mitchell
Montyn, Councillor Pieter Montyn
Nagel, Councillor Katie Nagel
O'Kelly, Councillor Kate O'Kelly
Oakley, Councillor Simon Oakley
Oppler, Councillor Francis Oppler
Oxlade, Councillor Chris Oxlade
Patel, Councillor Ashvin Patel
Payne, Councillor Sarah Payne
Pendleton, Councillor Jacky Pendleton
Pudaloff, Councillor Natalie Pudaloff
Quinn, Councillor Brian Quinn
Richardson, Councillor Tom Richardson
Russell, Councillor Jacquie Russell
Sharp, Councillor Sarah Sharp
Smith, Councillor Dawn Smith
Sparkes, Councillor Elizabeth Sparkes
Turley, Councillor John Turley
Urquhart, Councillor Deborah Urquhart
Waight, Councillor Steve Waight
Wall, Councillor Garry Wall
Walsh, Councillor James Walsh
Wickremaratchi, Councillor Sujan Wickremaratchi
Wild, Councillor Jaine Wild
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period