Issue details

Highway Maintenance Delivery Contract Extension - Hedge Maintenance & Grass Cutting Services, Lot 3

West Sussex County Council is a designated Highways Authority under the Highways Act 1980 and has a duty to maintain highways maintainable at public expense.


Following extensive review, the County Council approved a new procurement strategy for the delivery of key highway works in 2019. This arrangement for revenue and capital delivery went live in April 2020 and the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport delegated authority to the Director for Highways, Transport and Planning to award single supplier contracts. The provision of hedge maintenance and grass cutting services (Lot 3) was included within the model.

Following review, it is proposed to extend the contract from the initial period April 2020 – March 2025 to the full-term option to March 2030.


The Assistant Director (Highways, Transport and Planning) will be asked to award a five-year extension to the contract for the provision of hedge maintenance and grass cutting services (Lot 3) to March 2030.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/09/2024

Decision due: November 2024 by Assistant Director (Highways, Transport and Planning) (Matt Davey)

Lead member: Matt Davey, Assistant Director (Highways, Transport and Planning)

Contact: Gary Rustell Email: Tel: 033 022 26397.

Consultation process


No consultees currently identified

Democratic Services Contact: Judith Shore Tel: 033 022 26052

Background papers

  • None