West Sussex County Council (WSCC) set up day service contracts in 2015 with independent organisations to provide day services for adults with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism. The current contracts with the County Council are in their final year of and need to be re-tendered. Much has changed since the contracts were set up and Commissioners have reviewed the model of Day, Employment and Volunteering Services and whether this continues to best meet individuals’ needs. The intention is that the outcome will be co-designed, community-based interventions that raise aspiration, encourage independence and healthy active lives. The process will also consider how commissioned services link in to and complement the Council’s directly provided services.
Following the approval of a tender process to re-commission new services, by the Cabinet Member for Adults Services, the Director of Adults and Health approved a decision to award contracts for new Day, Employment, Volunteering Support and Prevention Services to commence on 1st July 2024 for a period of three (3) years with the option to extend for a further one (1) year, as set out in key decision report OKD06 (24/25). However, three of the lots sought during the procurement were not awarded leaving a gap in provision for adults in some areas of the County.
The Commissioning Team have been holding conversations and negotiating with the incumbent service providers from the previous contracts to seek interim arrangements whilst long-term solutions are sought. The Director of Adults and Health will be asked to award the remaining contract(s).
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000 and affects more than 1 division;
Decision status: For Determination
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/07/2024
Decision due: December 2024 by Director of Adults and Health (Alan Sinclair)
Lead member: Alan Sinclair, Director of Adults and Health alan.sinclair@westsussex.gov.uk
Contact: Lucie Venables, Head of Commissioning Email: lucie.venables@westsussex.gov.uk Tel: 07955 313325.
Consultation process
Extensive consultation and engagement have taken place:
• Service user surveys were carried out on behalf of the Council by Impact Initiatives
• Discussion groups were facilitated as part of 3 Learning Disability Partnership Boards
• The Young Voices Group was attended
• Carer surveys were carried out and carer focus group meetings were attended
• Provider and staff surveys were carried out
• The Learning Disability Provider forum was attended, and
• 10 1:1meetings with independent day service providers were held
• Early engagement notice published 8 August 2023 with feedback requested by 24 August 2023.
This consultation, engagement and feedback will inform the proposed contract specification. An element of coproduction will also be implemented as part of the process.
Representations concerning this proposed decision can be made via the officer contact.
Democratic Services Contact: Erica Taunton: Tel: 033 022 26050