Issue details

Award of Contract Community Reablement Service

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) has a contract with Essex Cares Limited (ECL) for the provision of Community Reablement Services. Reablement is the term to describe services to support residents following a change in ability, most likely due to a medical condition or episode. A Community Reablement Service (CRS) is essential to prevent people requiring longer term support, enabling people to retain/regain independence and remain at home. The existing service expires on 31st March 2025.


Following a key decision taken by Director of Adults and Health (Alan Sinclair to progress a full procurement process to reprocure this service from 1 April 2025, the Director of Adults and Health will be asked to award the contract to the successful bidder.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000 and affects more than 1 division;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 18/07/2024

Decision due: November 2024 by Director of Adults and Health (Alan Sinclair)

Lead member: Alan Sinclair, Director of Adults and Health

Contact: Chris Jones, Service Development Manager, Adult Services Email: Tel: 0330 022 28249.

Consultation process

Engagement activity undertaken in April/May 2024 through the commissioning activity related to the Community Reablement Service.


Representations on the proposed decision can be made via the officer contact.


Democratic Services Contact: Erica Taunton Tel: 033 022 26050


Background papers

  • None