Issue details

Allocation of Childcare Expansion Capital Grant

In Spring 2023, the Department for Education (DfE) announced reforms to childcare, including the introduction of additional entitlements to 30 hours of free childcare for children over the age of nine months, to be introduced in a phased approach.


In December 2023, the DfE announced the Childcare Expansion Capital Grant funding allocation for West Sussex of £1.872m. This funding is provided to support delivery of the reforms, enabling the expansion of providers of Early Years and Wraparound Care.


Expressions of interest for eligible capital projects to enable expansion have been sought from providers of Early Years and Wraparound Care. Following a detailed prioritisation exercise, the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills will be asked to approve the allocation of  funds from the capital grant to the prioritised projects.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/07/2024

Decision due: December 2024 by Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills (Cllr Jacquie Russell)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills (Cllr Jacquie Russell)

Contact: Leigh Hunnikin, Project Manager Email: Tel: 033 022 23051.

Consultation process

Representations concerning this proposed decision can be made to the decision maker, via the report author, by the beginning of the month in which the decision is due to be taken.


All schools.

Democratic Services Contact: Wendy Saunders Tel: 033 022 22553

Background papers

  • None