Issue details

Direct Award of Pathways Home Housing Related Support contracts in West Sussex

The Director of Adults and Health will be asked to approve the direct award of six Housing Related Support contracts in West Sussex. These are the ‘Pathways Home’ services which are co-funded with our District and Borough partners. The new contracts will have an initial term of twelve months with the option to extend for up to a further twelve months and will commence on 1st April 2025.


All six contracts provide support to those who are experiencing or threatened with homelessness. Two of the services are delivered in an accommodation based setting whereas the other four services are delivered on a floating support basis.


The services assist the council in meeting its statutory duties and some of the specific outcome priorities as detailed in the West Sussex Our Council Plan.


These are:

        Keeping people safe from vulnerable situations.

        A sustainable and prosperous economy.

        Helping people and communities to fulfil their potential.

        Making the best use of resources

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000 and affects more than 1 division;

Decision status: For Determination

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/07/2024

Decision due: November 2024 by Director of Adults and Health (Alan Sinclair)

Lead member: Director of Adults and Health (Alan Sinclair)

Contact: Sarah L Leppard, Senior Contracts Officer, People Services Email: Tel: 0330 022 23774.

Consultation process

Representations concerning this proposed decision can be made via the officer contact.

Democratic Services Contact: Erica Taunton Tel: 033 022 26050

Background papers

  • None