Issue details

Allocation of funding for design fees for the development of Homefield Primary School, Worthing

In July 2023 the amalgamation of Lyndhurst Infant School and Chesswood Junior School onto one site to create an all through primary school was approved.


A detailed feasibility study has now been undertaken and plans developed for the new school, called Homefield Primary School, to be created on the Chesswood Road site, that will include a 21 place Special Support Centre.


The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills will be asked to approve the allocation of funds required to undertake the detailed design work in order for the project to progress.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Divisions affected: Worthing East;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 01/07/2024

Decision due: February 2025 by Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills (Cllr Jacquie Russell)

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills (Cllr Jacquie Russell)

Contact: Mandy Saunders, Team Manager, Capital Projects, Planning and Statutory Compliance Email: Tel: 033 022 25505.

Consultation process

Representations concerning this proposed decision can be made to the decision maker, via the officer contact, by the beginning of the month in which the decision is due to be taken.


None currently identified.

Democratic Services Contact: Wendy Saunders Tel: 033 022 22553

Background papers

  • None