In March 2023 the then Cabinet Member for Learning and Skills approved the budget required to enable the phased establishment of a satellite site to Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee school (QE2), at Arun House, to provide additional pupil places (decision LS11 (22/23) refers). The County Council’s Multi-Disciplinary Consultant (MDC) have been appointed to undertake the full design. The new accommodation will provide up to an additional 60 places increasing the current schools capacity for 15-19yr olds, from the current 120 to 180 planned places.
Decision OKD33(23/24) approved a procurement process for a building contractor to complete the necessary works to Arun House. This process was unsuccessful and the procurement abandoned. There is a requirement for a new approval to instigate a new tender process for a building contractor, due to changes being made to the contractual requirements.
Following the outcome of the new procurement process the Assistant Director (Property and Assets) will be asked to approve the award of contract for delivery of the satellite site for QE2 school.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;
Decision status: For Determination
Divisions affected: Horsham Hurst;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 11/06/2024
Decision due: February 2025 by Assistant Director (Property and Assets) (Andrew Edwards)
Lead member: Assistant Director (Property and Assets) (Andrew Edwards)
Contact: Katerina Evans-Makrakis, Contract Officer Email: Tel: 07597 526870.
Consultation process
Representations concerning this proposed decision can be made to the decision maker, via the officer contact, by the beginning of the month in which the decision is due to be taken
Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills
Democratic Services Contact: Wendy Saunders Te;: 033 022 22553