Issue details

Opportunity for a Block Contract with Aster Grove, part of Archmore Care Services

There are continuing pressures on the health and social care system related to the impact of the pandemic, restrictions on homes, capacity of provision where needed and challenges recruiting and retaining staff.


In addition, there is continued demand for nursing dementia beds, and this is not always available to purchase. These market pressures are also resulting in an increasing cost of residential placements.


An opportunity has arisen to commission 11 dementia nursing beds on a block contract for two years at Aster Grove, in the Littlehampton area of West Sussex. 


This decision is urgent due to the immediate need for cost efficient dementia nursing beds to be sourced more quickly than wider current market availability will allow as well as to meet demand for people with complex nursing and dementia needs at a rate which presents value for money to the Council and an opportunity to make savings on the Adult Social Care budget.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/04/2022

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
This decision is urgent due to the immediate need for cost efficient dementia nursing beds to be sourced more quickly than wider current market availability will allow as well as to meet demand for people with complex nursing and dementia needs at a rate which presents value for money to the Council and an opportunity to make savings on the Adult Social Care budget.

Decision due: 12 April 2022 by Director of Adults and Health (Alan Sinclair)

Lead member: Keith Hinkley, Director of Adults and Health

Lead director: Keith Hinkley

Contact: Juliette Garrett, Senior Commissioning Manager (Adults) Email: juliette.garrett@westsussex, Tel: 033 022 23748.

Consultation process

The Care Quality Commission have been engaged to facilitate registration given the strategic need for the service. Internal Adults’ Services senior managers, Legal and Procurement have been engaged to seek their approval of the proposals.


Democratic Services Contact: Erica Keegan Tel: 033 022 26050


Background papers

  • None