
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Cabinet and cabinet and members. Also included are key decisions by officers and decisions made by officers under the urgent action procedure. You can also find decisions taken by the full Council and decision-making committees.

Decisions published

18/05/2021 - Award of Contract and Endorsement of Fund Allocation: Crawley Growth Programme Eastern Gateway Scheme OKD73 20-21 ref: 1259    Recommendations Approved

In August 2017 the Leader approved the Crawley Growth Programme LDR04 17.18 and following approval of the business case by the Coast to Capital  Local Enterprise Partnership, delegated authority to the (then entitled) Executive Director Economy, Infrastructure and Environment to progress the projects.


The Eastern Gateway scheme is a key project within the growth programme and seeks to improve connectivity between the town and key development sites in the vicinity of the proposals including the Town Hall, County Buildings, Crawley College and Telford Place.  In February 2019, the Executive Director approved the commencement of the tender process to secure a design and build Contractor through the WSCC Highways Design and Build framework. The design contract (stage 1) was awarded to Volker Fitzpatrick.



Decision Maker: Executive Director Place Services

Decision published: 18/05/2021

Effective from: 28/05/2021


1.   The Executive Director for Place Services has approved the allocation of the remaining unspent project budget of £7.360m to complete construction. This includes an allocation of up to £0.500k for this project, from within the Crawley Growth programme capital allocation to increase Eastern Gateway’s total budget from a total of £8.350m to a total £8.850m; and

2.   approved the award of the Phase 2 contract (the construction phase) to Volker Fitzpatrick Limited and endorses that the Contract Target Price is within the above remaining budget constraint of £7.360m.


Divisions affected: Northgate & West Green;

Lead officer: Marie Ovenden

18/05/2021 - Award of Contract and Endorsement of Fund Allocation: Crawley Growth Programme Manor Royal Scheme OKD74 20-21 ref: 1260    Recommendations Approved

The Crawley Growth Programme (CGP) is a key delivery mechanism to achieve the economic growth outcomes agreed in the Crawley Growth Deal.

A WSCC decision in December 2017 (LDR04 (17/18)  agreed funding allocations and delivery governance for the projects within the CGP. A critical Crawley Growth Programme project approved in December 2017 is the Manor Royal Highways Improvement scheme.

Detailed design and further engagement have been completed for the Manor Royal Highways Improvement scheme and it is proposed that scheme delivery is now progressed further through awarding the Construction Contract for Phase 1 to Telent Ltd, the County Councils incumbent traffic signals supplier. Continuation of the project into Phase 2 will be addressed at a later date, anticipated Autumn 2021.


Decision Maker: Executive Director Place Services

Decision published: 18/05/2021

Effective from: 28/05/2021


(1)         That the Executive Director for Place Services endorses the allocation of £0.980m to increase project funds to a total of £1.178m to cover the Implementation Stage of Manor Royal Highways project (Phase 1) as set out in section 2; and

(2)         approves the award of the Phase 1 contract (the construction phase) to Telent Ltd. for £0.813m and endorses that the Contract Target Price is within the above budget constraint of £1.178m.


Divisions affected: Langley Green & Ifield East; Northgate & West Green;

Lead officer: Marie Ovenden

06/05/2021 - Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) OKD78 20/21 ref: 1258    Recommendations Approved

The Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) has been allocated to the Council as part of the government’s response to the pandemic.  For the year to the 31 March 2021, the council will receive £20.242 million in funding for test, trace and contain activity to reduce the spread of coronavirus and to support the local economy and public health activity.  Further funding is expected during 2021/22.


This report sets out the proposal to utilise £6.018 million of the total grant funding, of which £2.933 million is to support activities by the West Sussex Districts and Boroughs, £0.665 million is for homelessness prevention (Adults) and £2.419 million is to support services for children and young people.


Decision Maker: Chief Executive (Becky Shaw)

Decision published: 06/05/2021

Effective from: 18/05/2021


The Chief Executive has approved;


(1)  the allocation of £2.933 million of the Contain Outbreak Management Fund (COMF) to the Districts and Boroughs as set out in Table 1 of Section 2;


(2)  an allocation of £0.665 million of the COMF grant to support activities to prevent homelessness;


(3)  an allocation of £2.419 million of the COMF grant on activities to support Children and Young People;


(4)  the allocation of the remaining £14.224 million across the activities as set out in Table 4 of Section 2; and


(5)  that further grant funding received will be expended in line with Table 4 in Section 2.


Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Katharine Eberhart

05/05/2021 - Award of contract for Winter De-icing Salt OKD77 (20/21) ref: 1257    Recommendations Approved

The supply of de-icing salt is critical to ensuring the County Council can meet its statutory duty to maintain the highways and to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, safe passage along a highway is not endangered by snow or ice. The contracts awarded for these services in 2019, are due to end in April 2021, and new contracts are required.


In accordance with the Council’s Standing Orders on Procurement and Contracts and subject to the key decision made by the Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure, the Director of Highways, Transport and Planning has concluded the procurement process for the provision of winter de-icing salt.


Decision Maker: Director of Highways, Transport and Planning

Decision published: 05/05/2021

Effective from: 15/05/2021


The Director for Highways, Transport and Planning has approved the award and entry into a two-year (with an option for a two-year extension) contract for the provision of winter de-icing salt to ICL UK from 1 May 2021 as set out in section 2 of the report.


Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Gary Rustell