
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Cabinet and cabinet and members. Also included are key decisions by officers and decisions made by officers under the urgent action procedure. You can also find decisions taken by the full Council and decision-making committees.

Decisions published

09/01/2025 - Direct Award Homelessness and Domestic Abuse Housing Related Support contracts in West Sussex OKD35 (24/25) ref: 2071    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

The Director of Adults and Health will be asked to approve the direct award of five Housing Related Support contracts (Homelessness and Domestic Abuse) in West Sussex. The new contracts will have an initial term of eighteen months with the option to extend for up to a further twelve months and will commence on 1st October 2024.


Four of the contracted services provide support and accommodation to those experiencing homelessness and/or rough sleeping. The fifth contract provides refuge accommodation for those fleeing Domestic Abuse.


The services assist the council in meeting its statutory duties and some of the specific outcome priorities as detailed in the West Sussex Our Council Plan.


These are:


        Keeping people safe from vulnerable situations.

        A sustainable and prosperous economy.

        Helping people and communities to fulfil their potential.

        Making the best use of resources

Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health (Alan Sinclair)

Decision published: 09/01/2025

Effective from: 21/01/2025



The Director of Adults and Health has approved the direct award of five Housing Related Support (HRS) contracts to the incumbent service providers with a contract start date of 1st October 2024. The initial term of each contract will be eighteen months with the option to extend for up to a further one year. The maximum contract term for each contract is two years six months and the maximum contract value for all contracts is £2,084,540.

Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Sarah L Leppard

09/01/2025 - Local Government Devolution and Reorganisation CAB08 (24/25) ref: 2070    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 09/01/2025 - Cabinet

Decision published: 09/01/2025

Effective from: 09/01/2025


Following consideration of the report the Cabinet approved that the Leader writes, jointly with the leaders of East Sussex County Council and Brighton and Hove City Council, to the Minister of State for Local Government and Devolution:

1.     Confirming the County Council’s commitment to devolution and local government reorganisation as part of the Government’s Devolution Priority Programme, based on a proposal for the devolution of powers to a new combined authority for Sussex covering the areas of the three upper tier authorities (West Sussex, East Sussex and Brighton and Hove).

2.   Confirming the County Council’s commitment to developing proposals for unitary councils across the area including West Sussex to be included in the proposed combined authority for Sussex.

3.     Inviting the Government to postpone the County Council elections due in May 2025, for a year, to enable the proposals for local government reorganisation to be developed and to enable the early implementation of the proposed devolution arrangements.

Due to the need for this matter to be determined as soon as possible the Cabinet has secured agreement from the County Council Chairman for this key decision to be taken without prior notice in the Forward Plan of key decisions (Part 4, Section 1, Standing Order 3.57) (Regulation 11) because delay would prejudice the County Council’s interests.

09/01/2025 - Contract Award of Public Health Services (NHS Health Checks, Smoking Cessation, Long-Acting Reversible, Emergency Hormonal Contraception and Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice Services) OKD36 (24/25) ref: 2073    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

The County Council currently provides NHS Health Checks, Smoking Cessation, Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (Contraceptive Implant and Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device), Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) and Alcohol Identification and Brief Advice Services for the population of West Sussex.  These are currently delivered by GPs and Pharmacies.


Local Authorities are mandated to provide the NHS Health Checks Programme and the provision of contraception is a prescribed service under the conditions of the Public Health Grant. All the services contribute to improvement of population, public health outcomes and reductions in health inequalities.


The current contract expires in March 2025.  The Director of Public Health will be asked to approve a one year contract using the Provider Selection Regime (PSR) which came into force on 1 January 2024, as part of regulations made under the Health and Care Act 2022. It is a set of rules for procuring all healthcare services in England by relevant authorities and is intended to increase flexibility and collaboration in commissioning decisions.

Decision Maker: Director of Public Health (Alison Challenger)

Decision published: 09/01/2025

Effective from: 21/01/2025


The Director of Public Health has approved the award of contract to deliver the services outlined in section 2 of this report, to commence on 1st April 2025 for a period of 1 year.  The total estimated value of the contract to the Council over the whole of the 1-year period is £1.292m.


Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Fiona Mackison

09/01/2025 - Procurement and Award of Contract: Corporate Grounds Maintenance FP12 (24/25) ref: 2072    Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

The County Council provides grounds maintenance services at various sites across the County including libraries, fire stations, storage depots, administrative hubs, Gypsy and Traveller sites, and family and youth centres.


The Council will undertake a procurement process in order to award the corporate grounds maintenance contract to a suitable supplier.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Finance and Property (Cllr Jeremy Hunt)

Decision published: 09/01/2025

Effective from: 21/01/2025


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Property has approved the award by the Assistant Director (Property and Assets) of the contract for the provision of corporate grounds maintenance at the conclusion of the procurement process in accordance with the evaluation and tender requirements described and within the financial parameters as set out in sections 2 and 5 of the report. The initial contract period will end on 30 September 2027 and will provide for an optional two-year extension. The initial contract term has an estimated value of £0.75m rising to £1.35m should the extension be given.


Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Katrina Harwood

13/12/2024 - Designation of Section 151 Officer (Chief Finance Officer) ref: 2057    For Determination

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 13/12/2024 - County Council

Decision published: 07/01/2025

Effective from: 13/12/2024


46.1     The County Council was asked to approve the designation of the Section 151 Officer in the light of a report by the Director of Law and Assurance (page 33).


46.2     Resolved –


That the statutory role of Section 151 Officer (Chief Finance Officer) be vested in the post of Director of Finance and Support Services, to be held by Mike Suarez, with immediate effect.

13/12/2024 - Appointment of Substitutes ref: 2062    For Determination

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 13/12/2024 - County Council

Decision published: 07/01/2025

Effective from: 13/12/2024


51.1     The Council considered changes to the appointment of substitutes, in the light of a report by the Director of Law and Assurance (pages 81 to 84).


51.2     Resolved –


That the Part 4, Section 1 of the Constitution be amended to allow for more adequate provision for substitution on all of the Council’s main committees, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report.

13/12/2024 - Appointments ref: 2063    For Determination

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 13/12/2024 - County Council

Decision published: 07/01/2025

Effective from: 13/12/2024


52.1     The Council approved appointments as set out below.




Children and Young People’s Services Scrutiny Committee

Add Cllr Duncton to fill vacancy

Remove Cllr Duncton as substitute

Communities, Highways and Environment Scrutiny Committee

Add Cllr Burgess in place of Cllr Britton

Add Cllr Patel as substitute in place of Cllr Burgess

Fire and Rescue Scrutiny Committee

Add Cllr Mercer to fill vacancy

Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee

Add Cllr Lord as substitute to fill vacancy

Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee

Add Cllr Dabell and Cllr Oakley in place of Cllr Britton and Cllr N Jupp

Add Cllr Linehan to fill vacancy

Governance Committee

Add Cllr Walsh in place of Cllr Lord

Add Cllr Lord as substitute in place of Cllr Walsh

Regulation, Audit and Accounts Committee

Add Cllr N Dennis, Cllr McGregor and Cllr Payne as substitutes

Standards Committee

Add Cllr Joy in place of Cllr Mercer

Corporate Parenting Panel

Add Cllr Linehan to fill vacancy


13/12/2024 - Governance Committee: Independent Remuneration Panel Report ref: 2058    For Determination

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 13/12/2024 - County Council

Decision published: 07/01/2025

Effective from: 13/12/2024


47.1     The Council considered the results of a review of members’ allowances by the Independent Remuneration Panel, including proposed changes to the Members’ Allowance Scheme, in the light of a report by the Governance Committee (pages 35 to 56).


47.2     Resolved –


That the draft Members’ Allowance Scheme, as attached at Appendix 2 to the report, be approved for implementation in May 2025.

13/12/2024 - Governance Committee: Update to Corporate Parenting Panel Terms of Reference ref: 2059    For Determination

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 13/12/2024 - County Council

Decision published: 07/01/2025

Effective from: 13/12/2024


48.1     The Council considered minor changes to the practical arrangements of the Corporate Parenting Panel set out in its terms of reference, in the light of a report by the Governance Committee (pages 57 to 62).


48.2     Resolved –


That the revised terms of reference for the Corporate Parenting Panel, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, be approved.

13/12/2024 - Standards Committee: Revisions to the IT Provision and Usage Policy ref: 2061    For Determination

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 13/12/2024 - County Council

Decision published: 07/01/2025

Effective from: 13/12/2024


50.1     The Council considered revisions to the Councillors’ IT Provision and Usage Policy in the Code of Conduct, in the light of a report by the Standards Committee (pages 75 to 80).


50.2     In relation to a concern of Cllr Linehan about whether the policy fully aligns with the IT Acceptable Use Policy, the Cabinet Member for Support Services and Economic Development said he would ask officers to check.


50.3     Resolved –


That the proposed revisions to Part 5, Section 1, Appendix D of the Constitution, the IT Provision and Usage Policy, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, be approved, subject to the check reported in minute 50.2.

13/12/2024 - Standards Committee: Revisions to the Member Officer Relations Protocol ref: 2060    For Determination

Decision Maker: County Council

Made at meeting: 13/12/2024 - County Council

Decision published: 07/01/2025

Effective from: 13/12/2024


49.1     The Council considered a new Member Officer Relations Protocol for inclusion in the Code of Conduct, in the light of a report by the Standards Committee (pages 63 to 74).


49.2     Cllr Lord reported that she had spoken to the Director of Law and Assurance about the practical implications of the wording of paragraphs 34 to 36 of the Protocol.


49.3     Resolved –


That the proposed new Member Officer Relations Protocol, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report be approved, subject to a review of the text by the Director of Law and Assurance to address the practical implications of paragraphs 34 to 36.

03/01/2025 - Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Policy and Strategy HT15 (24/25) ref: 2069    Recommendations Approved

The Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Policy and Strategy communicates West Sussex County Council’s approach to highways infrastructure asset management.


The Policy and Strategy documents that form part of the Highways Infrastructure Asset Management framework have been fully reviewed and redrafted.

Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport (Cllr Joy Dennis)

Decision published: 03/01/2025

Effective from: 15/01/2025


The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport has:


1.     approved the new West Sussex Highway Infrastructure Asset Management Policy (Appendix 1) and Strategy (Appendix 2); and


2.     delegated authority to the Assistant Director (Highways, Transport and Planning) to approve individual asset group lifecycle plans referred to in this report.


Divisions affected: (All Divisions);

Lead officer: Gary Rustell