
Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Cabinet and cabinet and members. Also included are key decisions by officers and decisions made by officers under the urgent action procedure. You can also find decisions taken by the full Council and decision-making committees.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from
Outside Body Appointment - Littlehampton Harbour Advisory Body CAB06 (24/25) ref: 201601/10/202411/10/2024
Performance and Resources Report - Quarter 1 2024/25 CAB05 (24/25) ref: 201501/10/202411/10/2024
Additional Funding Allocation for Remodelling of Orchard House Children's Home - CYPLS14 (24/25) ref: 201727/09/202409/10/2024
Delivery of Bus Services Enhanced Partnership Schemes: contract award for Manor Royal Bus Lane Extension Phase 3 OKD27 (24/25) ref: 201425/09/202407/10/2024
Review of On-Street Parking Charges 2024/2025 HT09 (24/25) ref: 200824/09/202404/10/2024
Better Care Fund Section 75 Agreement 2024-25 OKD23 (24/25) ref: 201023/09/202403/10/2024
Commissioning Residential and Nursing Care Homes (Adults with Mental Health Needs) OKD26 (24/25) ref: 201123/09/202403/10/2024
Contract award: Carriageway Surface Dressing Programme 2025/26 (Lot 5) OKD25 (24/25) ref: 201223/09/202403/10/2024
Allocation of S106 Funding to create temporary provision at The Burgess Hill Academy to host Bedelands Academy OKD24 (24/25) ref: 200920/09/202402/10/2024