Use the search options below to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the Cabinet and cabinet and members. Also included are key decisions by officers and decisions made by officers under the urgent action procedure. You can also find decisions taken by the full Council and decision-making committees.
The County Council has a duty to take steps to secure, so far as reasonably practicable, sufficient accommodation within its area which meets the needs of children within its care. Sourcing stable placements which adequately meet the requirements of children and keeps them within county borders and close to their family, friends and communities is a particular challenge, and this picture is reflected nationally.
The County Council has been working with providers from a range of sectors including those already operating in residential and semi-independent care, to identify potential solutions to these issues. The culmination of this work is to propose a new approach, developing services in partnership with providers, to deliver residential care provision for children we care for, including those with complex needs, and better support sufficiency in West Sussex.
The intention is to direct award contracts for the delivery of 3 new residential homes consisting of 2 or 3 bedrooms each, thereby increasing placement availability within or close to West Sussex.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills (Cllr Jacquie Russell)
Decision published: 27/11/2024
Effective from: 07/12/2024
The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Learning and Skills has approved:-
(1)The Direct Award of three contracts to the following providers for the provision of three new residential units to provide placements for children we care for:-
• Cranmead
• BEST Project
• Bespoke Guardians
Issuing of contracts is dependent on Ofsted registration. The first two are expected to be issued in early December 2024 and the final one in Spring 2025. All contracts will come to an end on the 30th June 2026.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Stephen Humphries
West Sussex County Council (WSCC) has a contract with Essex Cares Limited (ECL) for the provision of Community Reablement Services. Reablement is the term to describe services to support residents following a change in ability, most likely due to a medical condition or episode. A Community Reablement Service (CRS) is essential to prevent people requiring longer term support, enabling people to retain/regain independence and remain at home. The existing service expires on 31st March 2025.
Following a key decision taken by Director of Adults and Health (Alan Sinclair to progress a full procurement process to reprocure this service from 1 April 2025, the Director of Adults and Health will be asked to award the contract to the successful bidder.
Decision Maker: Director of Adults and Health (Alan Sinclair)
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 06/12/2024
The Director of Adults and Health has approved the award of the Community Reablement Service (CRS) contract to Essex Cares Limited for an initial period of four (4) years commencing 1 April 2025, with the option to extend for up to two (2) further years if delivery and performance of the contract are satisfactory.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Chris Jones
West Sussex County Council is an Apprenticeship Levy paying organisation. A Task & Finish Group (TFG), chaired by Gavin Wright, Director of Human Resources and Organisation Development, is supporting the county council’s broader work to reset its approach to employment and skills. The work of this group includes focussing on:
The procurement of a training provider to deliver this apprenticeship, will aid the achievement of these objectives. The current contract is due to expire in May 2025.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Support Services and Economic Development (Cllr Steve Waight)
Decision published: 26/11/2024
Effective from: 06/12/2024
The Cabinet Member for Support Services and Economic Development has approved:
(1) The commencement of a procurement exercise, to procure a training provider(s) to deliver this apprenticeship via the Learning and Development Dynamic Purchasing System (L&D DPS), the approved procurement route for learning and development contracts and in accordance with the County Council’s Standing Orders.
(2) The delegation of authority to the Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development to award the contract(s) to the bidder(s) submitting the most economically advantageous tender in terms of technical and commercial ability.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Lindsey Hannant
Decision Maker: Governance Committee
Made at meeting: 04/11/2024 - Governance Committee
Decision published: 22/11/2024
Effective from: 04/11/2024
16.1 The Committee considered a report by the Director of Law and Assurance about the County Council’s Corporate Parenting Panel (copy appended to the signed minutes). The terms of reference of the Panel are reviewed annually to ensure they remain up to date and relevant and the Committee was asked to note some minor updates to the practical arrangements of the Panel. It was noted that if the changes were supported, the Committee would need to submit them to the County Council for approval.
16.2 The Committee welcomed the report and members were pleased that young people themselves had been actively involved in the review of the terms of reference.
16.3 Resolved - That the revised terms of reference for the Corporate Parenting Panel, as set out in the Constitution (attached at Appendix 1 to the report), be submitted to the County Council for approval.
In line with Government guidance on the transfer of Local Enterprise Partnership’s functions to upper tier local authorities from 1 April 2024, the County Council has been progressing work to develop an economy board. A Cabinet decision (CAB03 24/25) confirmed the new board would be designated as an outside body with the Leader having delegated authority to make appointments to it.
Decision Maker: Leader (Cllr Paul Marshall)
Decision published: 22/11/2024
Effective from: 04/12/2024
The Leader has approved the following appointments to the West Sussex Economic Growth Board for three-year terms:
(1) Local Authority Representatives:
a. West Sussex County Council Representatives:
i. Cllr Marshall, Leader of West Sussex County Council (will also act as Vice-Chair)
ii. Cllr Waight, Cabinet Member for Support Services and Economic Development
b. District and Borough Council Representatives:
i. Cllr Moss, Leader of Chichester District Council
ii. Cllr Gardner, Leader of Adur District Council
(2) Appointed Organisation Representatives
i. Stephen Lightfoot, Chair of NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board
ii. Ana Christie, Chief Executive Officer of Sussex Chamber of Commerce
iii. Andrew Green, Chief Executive Officer of Chichester College Group
iv. Professor Symeon Dagkas, Vice-Chancellor of University of Chichester (on behalf of the University of Chichester, University of Sussex, and University of Brighton)
(3) Business Representatives
i. Philip Kennedy, Managing Director of Eschmann Technologies Ltd
ii. Melanie Asker, Managing Director of Greenwood Plants
iii. Rachael Dines, Founder of Shake It Up Creative Ltd
iv. Simon Pringle, Chief Executive Officer of Red River Software Limited
v. Alison Addy, Head of External Engagement and Policy, Gatwick Airport Ltd
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Part 6 of the Traffic Management Act 2004 allows highway authorities outside of London to use approved camera devices to enforce certain traffic contraventions that were previously only enforceable by the police under criminal law.
There are currently 7 bus gates being installed in West Sussex where the use of approved camera devices is being considered. These have been identified as part of local development agreements to allow for public transport access without creating un-desirable new traffic routes through residential developments.
Evidence from two bus gates already installed demonstrates there is considerable non-compliance with the access restriction which needs to be addressed. In addition it will continue to be the case that new bus gates may be agreed as part of planning agreements or in pursuit of specific policy outcomes related to the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport (Cllr Joy Dennis)
Decision published: 18/11/2024
Effective from: 28/11/2024
The Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport has agreed to:
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Miles Davy
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 sets out the statutory responsibility for the West Sussex County Council to deliver and commission public health services for children and young people aged 5-19 years. On 1st October 2015 the Council became responsible for statutory children’s public health services, referred to as the Healthy Child Programme (HCP). This is a national programme of pre-school and school age services from Health visitors including the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) and School nurses delivering Public Health outcomes for children and young people 0-19 years of age (25 years of age for young people with special educational needs and disabilities). The current HCP contract will conclude in March 2025.
Following a procurement process agreed by the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing, the Cabinet Member will be asked to award the contract(s).
Decision Maker: Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing (Cllr Bob Lanzer)
Decision published: 18/11/2024
Effective from: 28/11/2024
The Cabinet Member for Public Health and Wellbeing is asked to approve that;
the Council award a new contract to Sussex Community NHS Foundation
Trust (SCFT), to commence on 1st April 2025 for an
initial period of 5 years with the option to extend for up to 2
further years. The total estimated
value of the Contract to the Council over the whole of the
potential 7 year
period is £79.4m (subject to NHS Agenda for Change pay
increases – see finance section below); and
(2) authority be delegated to the Director of Public Health to extend this contract upon expiry of the initial period subject to sufficient funds being available.
Divisions affected: (All Divisions);
Lead officer: Fiona Mackison