Issue - decisions

Pensions Delegations

05/02/2020 - Pensions Delegations

42.1     The Committee considered a report by the Director of Finance and Support Services (copy appended to the signed minutes), which recommended minor changes to the terms of reference of the Pensions Panel, Pension Advisory Board and Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee.


42.2     The Committee supported that proposed changes as clarifications of roles and commented that the term ‘Pensions Panel’ should be reviewed as the term ‘Panel’ implied that it was not a decision-making body.


42.3     Resolved –


(1)        That the County Council on 14 February 2020 be recommended to approve the changes to Part 3 of the Constitution as set out in the report.


(2)        That the Director of Law and Assurance be authorised to revise the scheme of officer delegation to reflect the most up to date and accurate list of employer responsibilities.