Issue - decisions

Highways and Transport Subgroup

20/06/2019 - Highways and Transport Subgroup

The Committee received the notes of the last Highways and Transport Subgroup and considered the report and the following recommendation included:


The Sub-group considered the report and recommendation from the Executive Director for Place and Director of Highways Transport and Planning. The Group supported the recommendation included and requested it be put forward to the Joint Western Arun Area Committee for consideration. It was therefore


RECOMMENDED that the County Council Members of the Joint Western Arun Area Committee, having considered the responses to the formal consultation and petition, authorise the Director of Highways, Transport and Planning to install the scheme.

The Committee discussed the merits of the Traffic Regulation Order and agreed that it was necessary for the interest of safety of residents to install the scheme. It was therefore


RESOLVED that the County Council Members of the Joint Western Arun Area Committee, having considered the responses to the formal consultation and petition, authorise the Director of Highways, Transport and Planning to install the scheme detailed in the report.

The Call in deadline is 27 June 2019.