Issue - decisions

Crawley Growth Programme: Funding and Governance

28/06/2019 - Crawley Growth Programme: Funding and Governance - OKD09 (19/20)

That, subject to the approval of the report attached as Appendix B by Crawley Borough Council (CBC) Cabinet on 26th June, the Executive Director for Place Services (formerly Executive Director for Economy, Infrastructure and Environment) approves:


i)             revised delivery governance for the provision of commercial space in Crawley Town Centre, with CBC taking on the role as contractual lead for the project as set out in paragraph 2.1


ii)           updated funding arrangements between WSCC and CBC to ensure effective delivery of the CGP, as identified in Appendix A.


iii)          a commitment to allocate the WSCC funding identified for the CGP over a period through to March 31st 2025 broadly in accordance with the indicative spend profile set out in paragraph 4.6.