Issue - decisions

Community Initiative Funding

04/07/2019 - Chanctonbury Community Initiative Funding (CBY01(19/20))

The Committee considered a report by the Director of Law and Assurance (copy appended to the signed minutes) which detailed applications for Community Initiative Funding.  The Committee debated the respective merits of the project for which funding was sought.


11.1 Resolved -


(a)        That the following awards be made:


·       385/CBY – Thakeham Village Hall – Towards chairs with arms for a new Village Hall: £750.00 (total project cost) – To purchase 20 new chairs with arms and a trolley for transportation.

386/CBY – Storrington Community Partnership, Later life planning event, £464.00 – Towards publicity and marketing materials costs and event venue hire.  


·       390/CBY – Pulborough Lunch Club, £740.00, Towards providing hot cooked meals for more than 50 members in 2019/20.



The call-in deadline is 11 July 2019.