Issue - decisions

West Sussex Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

17/04/2019 - West Sussex Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy AH1 19/20

As the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 -2024 has been ratified by the Clinical Commissioning Group governing bodies at the Governing Board meeting of NHS Coastal West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group on March 26 2019, and at the North Place Governing Body Committee in Common, 28 March 2019 for NHS Crawley Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Horsham and Mid Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group; the Cabinet Member for Adults and Health has approved;


the Joint Health and Wellbeing  Strategy (JHWBS) (see appendix 1) and requests its ratification at the West Sussex County Council Health and Wellbeing Board meeting on 25 April 2019.