Issue - decisions

Public Path Order Proposal

02/07/2018 - Public Path Order Proposal

Elsted and Treyford, and Harting – Request for Diversion of Parts of Footpaths (fp) 871, 872 and 873; Creation of New Footpath on Disused Railway


7.1     The Committee considered a report by the Director of Highways and Transport, concerning an application for diversion of parts of footpaths (fp) 871, 872 and 873 and creation of new footpath on disused railway at Elsted and Treyford, and Harting (copy appended to the signed version of the minutes).  Judith Grimwood, Senior Rights of Way Officer introduced the report.  Diversion Orders made following officer delegated decision attracted two objections which have been reviewed in the context of the legal tests.  It is still considered that the legal tests for making the Order have been met and the Committee was specifically asked to note Appendix 1, Inspecting Officer’s Report which explains the background and context to the original decision that the Orders be made.  It is considered that the Orders should be submitted by the Director of Law and Assurance to the Secretary of State for confirmation.


7.2     In reaching a decision the Committee made the following points:

  • In relation to distance and convenience, an additional 300m is not substantially inconvenient.
  • There will be better walking conditions and the reduction in stiles is good.
  • Views are acceptable throughout and although in the southern part this is limited by woods there are particularly good views from the top of the railway line and at point X.  So, overall views are enhanced.
  • Character is more subjective, but there will be more variation.

·         It was agreed that as stated in paragraph 4.1 of the Committee report  The new paths will provide some pleasant, easy to follow alternative routes with improved surface conditions and open access free from stiles’.


7.3     The officer recommendation was put to the Committee and approved unanimously.


7.4     Resolved – That the Public Path Diversion Orders made in respect of footpaths 871, 872 and 873 in the parishes of Elsted and Treyford, and Harting be submitted by the Director of Law and Assurance to the Secretary of State for confirmation.