Issue - decisions

Allocation of Funding - Preliminary and detailed design phase of Chichester City Centre (North/East streets) Public Realm Improvement

08/10/2024 - Allocation of Funding - Preliminary and detailed design phase of Chichester City Centre (North/East streets) Public Realm Improvement SSED03(24/25)

The Cabinet Member for Support Services and Economic Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, has:

1.   Approved the initiation of a preliminary and detailed design phase to support the development of the scheme, as outlined in paragraph 1.5 and Appendix A of the report.

2.   Approved the commencement of a public engagement process to inform and guide the design phase.

3.   Approved the allocation of £0.542m to complete the detailed design and all associated enabling works in preparation for a full business case, which will seek approval of the remaining capital budget required for the scheme’s delivery.