Issue - decisions

National Highways Consultation A27 Arundel Bypass: Approval of WSCC Consultation Response

15/03/2022 - National Highways Consultation A27 Arundel Bypass: Approval of WSCC consultation response (CAB17_21/22)

Following consideration of the report, the Cabinet resolved to:


(a)     approve the comments in paragraphs 2.36-2.108 of the report and the detailed comments on the PEIR in Appendix C of the report as the County Council’s formal response to the consultation on the A27 Arundel Bypass;

(b)     authorise the Assistant Director of Highways, Transport, and Planning to respond to any further stages of pre-submission consultation, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change - in support of the formal response approved under (a);

(c)     if an application for a Development Consent Order is submitted, authorises the Assistant Director of Highways, Transport, and Planning to:

(i)      approve the County Council’s ‘adequacy of consultation’ response;

(ii)     prepare and submit the County Council’s written representation and Local Impact Report; to negotiate with the applicant on the DCO requirements, any S106 Agreement, and the preparation of a Statement of Common Ground; and to comment on the written representations of third parties – all in support of the formal response approved under (a);

(iii)    attend the examination hearings and answer the Examining Authority’s questions in support of the County Council’s position; and

(d)     if a Development Consent Order is made, approve ‘in principle’ the County Council becoming a relevant authority for the discharge of requirements.


The call-in deadline is 24 March 2022.