Issue - decisions

Quarterly Performance Monitor - Outturn 2020/21

27/07/2021 - Quarterly Performance Monitor - Outturn 2020/21 (CAB04_21/22)

Following consideration of the report, Cabinet resolved to:


1.   Note the information contained in the Quarterly Performance Monitor, in particular the outturn financial position

2.   Agree the allocation of the contingency budget and underspend set out below:


It is proposed that the total corporate underspend of £8.923m, which is made up of £3.144m from portfolio underspending, £5.676m of unused Contingency budget and £0.103m of other non-portfolio underspending, is transferred to the following reserves:

·       £4.700m Adults and Health Pressures and Recovery Reserve – to fund anticipated pandemic rebound pressures in 2021/22.

·       £1.200m Ash Dieback Reserve – to accelerate critical tree felling works in 2021/22.

·       £3.023m Service Transformation Reserve – in-year homeworking/ change in service delivery savings to be used to fund future innovative projects.

The call-in deadline is 5 August 2021.