Issue - decisions

Minor Change to Scrutiny Arrangements

05/01/2021 - Governance Committee: Minor Change to Scrutiny Arrangements

65.1     The Council considered a minor change to the arrangements for scrutiny, in the light of a report from the Governance Committee (pages 97 and 98).


65.2     Resolved –


That the Constitution be amended to provide that scrutiny of the Drug and Alcohol Action Team is by the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee rather than the Environment and Communities Scrutiny Committee.

01/12/2020 - Minor Change to Scrutiny Arrangements

39.1     The Committee considered a minor change to the arrangements for scrutiny to the County Council. Members were informed that scrutiny of the Drug and Alcohol Action Team is currently undertaken by the Environment and Communities Scrutiny Committee. However, scrutiny of all other aspects of the Adults and Health portfolio is undertaken by the Health and Adults Social Care Scrutiny Committee. In order to streamline scrutiny of the decision-making process, the Committee was asked to recommend to the County Council that scrutiny of the Drug and Alcohol Action Team should move to the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee.


39.2     Resolved – That the County Council be recommended that scrutiny of the Drug and Alcohol Action Team should move from the Environment and Communities Scrutiny Committee to the Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee.