Agenda item

West Sussex Reset Plan and Key Performance Indicators

The attached report and Appendix A are presented by the Leader and Chief Executive.  Appendix B, the Reset Plan and all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), will be sent to follow. 


The latest version of the West Sussex Reset Plan was presented to County Council in December 2020 for approval, and takes account of the recommendations of this Committee.  Scrutiny committees have previewed the priorities and outcomes specific to their area of council business and considered the proposals for KPIs to measure performance and achievement of the plans aims.  These measures will be included in the final plan to be presented alongside the budget for approval at County Council in February 2021.


The Committee is asked to consider the draft Reset Plan attached as Appendix B and make any comments to the Cabinet and Chief Executive.


102.1  The Committee considered the West Sussex Reset Plan report by the Chief Executive (copy appended to the signed minutes).


102.2  The Leader introduced the Plan which outlines what the council aims to achieve for its residents in the period 2021/22 to 2025.  The Plan reflects the priorities of residents and has been developed collaboratively with staff, Members, council partners and stakeholders.  Its focus is post-Covid and it has been developed alongside the 2021/22 Budget presented to the Committee.  The Plan will report on a quarterly basis and be updated annually. 


102.3  The Chief Executive introduced the report and noted the committee’s feedback on the Plan’s key performance indicators (KPIs) at its previous meeting has been listened to.  The Plan is a live document, ambitious but realistic, and it will be flexible to change as needed.


102.4  The chairmen of the service scrutiny committees were asked to summarise the discussion and outcome of the debate at their January meetings to review the Reset Plan and key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to them, as follows:

·       Children and Young People’s Services Scrutiny Committee (CYPSSC) chairman confirmed the committee agreed the KPIs are appropriate and challenging but base data was needed to provide a context in relation to the targets included.  It was suggested that adding a measure on the Early Help work be considered.

·       Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee (HASC) chairman confirmed the committee had requested more challenging  KPI targets to ensure good monitoring of the services.  It was suggested KPIs for healthy weight at mid-life, healthy life expectancy of BAME residents and a KPI in relation to Mental Health should be added.

·       Environment and Communities Scrutiny Committee (ECSC) chairman confirmed most of that committee’s suggestions had been included within the Plan and the KPIs provide a good framework. 

·       Fire & Rescue Service Scrutiny Committee (F&RSSC) chairman confirmed committee were satisfied with the KPIs and they are consistent with the Service Improvement Plan.


102.5  The Committee made comments in relation to the Reset Plan, including those that follow. It:

·       Welcomed the Reset Plan and KPIs and supported the continued development and review of the Plan and indicators over time.

·       Commented that the Committee would have liked more involvement on the development of the Reset Plan and performance indicators, and that a full and detailed review has not been possible due to the limited time frame.  Similarly the Committee has not been involved in the development of the Quarterly Performance Monitor.  It was recognised that the documents will continue to develop over time, and it was requested that scrutiny members are involved in any further review of performance monitoring or reporting to help ensure effective scrutiny.

·       Looks forward to reviewing the Reboot Plan at the appropriate time with details of how the performance aims will be achieved.


102.6  The Committee made comments in relation to the proposed KPIs, including those that follow:

·       Regarding KPI no. 18 (A and B road maintenance) that the target percentage should be reviewed as it is not stringent enough to encourage a real improvement across the counties roads.

·       Regarding no. 24 (growth deals in place) that as growth deals are already in place the indicator is not useful.  The Cabinet Member for Economy and Corporate Resources noted it demonstrated a level of commitment to the economy in difficult times but will consider this feedback.  

·       Regarding no. 41 (killed and seriously injured casualties) that the measure should not be removed and improvement is needed.

·       Regarding no. 45 (Member induction) that the KPI should be about on-going Member training, not just induction.

·       Regarding no. 46 (Governance) that consideration is needed on how to measure the qualitative aim of understanding.  The Cabinet Member for Economy and Corporate Resources confirmed there will be a change to nos. 45 and 46 to ensure they are influenced by the cross-party Member Development Group.

·       Regarding no. 49 (productivity of assets) that it carries the risk of compacted usage reducing productivity.

·       Regarding no. 50 (Value for money) that this is a core issue for the council, that little information is provided on this in the quarterly Total Performance Monitor (TPM) report, and encouraged including a value for money KPI for all key council services.  The Director of Finance and Support Services explained that obtaining proper comparisons for a value for money indicator is extremely difficult, however officers are working on what composite data sources could be used.

·       Reiterated the feedback at the December meeting that value for money indicators which link to financial management should be included in the Reset Plan, and encouraged that this be in relation to individual service areas rather than overall.

·       Commented that the Fire & Rescue Service already has regular performance measures in a balanced scorecard approach and encouraged that this be considered for other council services.

·       Queried if the council’s Public Satisfaction Survey had been run recently, and if so supported inclusion of an overall ‘customer satisfaction’ type indicator based on consultation feedback from residents.  This is an important measure to gauge how well services provided by the Council are received.  The Chief Executive confirmed surveying of residents occurs regularly and it will be added in future if needed.  It is important to be mindful that 80% of the council’s income is spent on 20% of residents which can affect perception.


102.7  Resolved – That the Committee:


1)   Recognise the Plan and KPIs have been developed at pace and there has not been time to enable a full and detailed review of the KPIs, nor has the Committee been as involved in the performance monitoring reporting and the development of the Quarterly Performance Monitor report as would have been preferred;


2)   Recognise that work will continue to develop the performance indicators, and welcome the improvement on the existing performance measures and agree these are moving in the right direction; 


3)   Reiterate the principles agreed at the December meeting of the Committee on including value for money indicators which should link to financial management, and welcome more information included on this area; and


4)   Recommend that developing the different style of KPIs afforded to the Fire & Rescue Service be considered for other council services to produce a balanced scorecard approach.

Supporting documents: