Agenda item

Plans for Member Meetings during the COVID-19 Emergency

Report by the Director of Law and Assurance.


The Committee agreed to review plans for Council/committee meetings at each of its meetings during the COVID-19 public health emergency. The Committee is asked to consider an update on meeting arrangements up to March 2021 together with information the impact of virtual arrangements.


36.1     The Committee was reminded it has agreed to review plans for Council/committee meetings at each of its meetings during the COVID-19 public health emergency. The Committee considered a report by the Director of Law and Assurance containing an update on meeting arrangements up to March 2021 together with information the impact of virtual arrangements (copy appended to the signed minutes).


36.2     The Head of Democratic Services introduced the report and commented that over 40 meetings had been webcast so far in 2020/21, compared to 35 in the whole of 2019/20. The move to virtual meetings has brought a significant reduction in travel costs. It has required everyone to learn new skills in terms of managing virtual meetings. She commented that there are significant resource implications in terms of staffing for webcasting. Attendance at meetings and Member Days has increased and, whilst everyone misses face-to-face contact, the experience of the last few months suggests that there will be benefits in continuing some virtual working beyond the end of the pandemic, particularly in relation to informal meetings and member training.


36.3     Members were generally very supportive of the proposals to continue holding informal meetings virtually, including when allowed, the previous use of video conferencing facilities.


36.4     Cllr Lanzer thanked Democratic Services for their hard work in making virtual meetings possible and supported the work towards the ability to hold hybrid meetings. However, he commented that members should not underestimate the matters that would need to be taken into account in running hybrid meetings. He said there is also a need to support members in taking part in meetings with external partners. In relation to the holding of informal meeting virtually, he commented that it would be helpful to produce a list of meetings that includes and the Head of Democratic Services agreed to do so, commenting that anything that is webcast is considered to be formal.


36.5     There was support for continuing virtual participation in formal meetings, if the Government allows, post May 2021, including hybrid meetings where applicable. This would continue the benefits in reduced travel, help with pressures on members’ time, particularly to those who live some distance away from County Hall, and make meetings more accessible to all. There was also support for continuing to webcast all formal meetings.


36.6     Cllr Walsh made a plea, particularly following the elections in May 2021, for ways to be found for members to be able to meet in person. The Head of Democratic Services commented that in its preparation for the induction period the team will seek to meet the desire to have some face-to-face sessions. Due to the uncertainly about what restrictions would be in place by May 2021, plans include both in person and virtual sessions. Cllr Walsh asked if it would be possible to have a combined version of tables 2 and 3 in the report to enable a like-with-like comparison and the Head of Democratic Services agreed to circulate one to members of the Committee.


36.7     The Head of Democratic Services responded to a number of questions. In terms of preparing for hybrid meetings, she confirmed that the cost of the additional equipment for the Council Chamber and reconfiguration is £3,500. The installation had taken longer than expected as a fault had been found with an existing piece of equipment which had had to be replaced. Unlike the previous video-conferencing facilities, the hybrid equipment will allow meetings to be webcast and will integrate contributions from those in the Chamber and those in a conference call. Once the installation is complete, staff will receive training and the set-up will then be tested once public health regulations allow. Consideration will also need to be given to how best to run hybrid meetings.


36.8     The Head of Democratic Services confirmed that 28 people can be accommodated within the Chamber under the current rules. In terms of prioritisation of who might attend in person for a hybrid meeting there could be some members and officers who would prefer not to attend and for most committees there would be sufficient space. If there is a desire to hold a hybrid full Council meeting in due course, discussions could be held at the Chairman and Group Leaders meeting to agree arrangements.


36.9     Resolved –


(1)        That the arrangements for Council/committee meetings to the end of March 2021, as set out in paragraph 2.1 and in Appendix 1 to the report, be approved;


(2)        That the Committee supports the use of hybrid meetings when available, and agrees that in future informal meetings should continue to be held virtually (list to be provided to members of the Committee); and


(3)        That the Council’s capacity and resources to support Member meetings should continue to be monitored by this Committee in liaison with all Members.

Supporting documents: