Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing in Adur and Worthing

A presentation will be given by Adur & Worthing Borough Council on the work this Council has been doing with respect to health issues relevant to the residents in Adur and Worthing.


The Health and Wellbeing Board is asked to:


1)   hear and acknowledge the work that has been done, especially around Find it Out Plus; and


2)   Consider how this way of place-based working can be supported to grow and embedded across West Sussex to support Starting Well and a Children First approach.



44.1 The Board received a presentation from Tina Favier, Head of Wellbeing, Adur and Worthing Councils with partnership colleagues; Dr Rick Fraser (Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust), Julia Harrison (YMCA), Julie Hodson (Clinical Commissioning Group) and Aaron Gain, West Sussex County Council.  (Presentation appended to the agenda and available on the website).


44.2 The presentation focused on the work that had been carried out in Adur and Worthing by leaders in the system around Starting Well and Children First. It set out some of the issues in relation to wellbeing and mental health and was centred on the need for a place based approach, in order to bring about the changes required for young people. The presentation also highlighted the work that had been achieved around Find It Out Plus. It was noted that consultation had been carried out with approximately 1,200 young people with further work planned.


44.3 The presenters outlined the work the Council was undertaking in respect of mental health issues in children and young people. It is recognised that 15-24 years old is the peak age at which young people suffer from a mental disorder but pathways for this cohort to access health resources are limited. This age group appear to underuse GP services and there is also concern surrounding the transition from children to adults’ care. It was noted that current mental health systems are confusing for young people to access.


44.4 The Board was informed that Adur and Worthing are exploring community-based approaches for supporting good mental health for young people and are also addressing concerns surrounding groups identified as high risk.  Adur and Worthing experience the highest rates of self-harm in West Sussex and so are working with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), the Voluntary Sector, Schools and GPs to design support around prevention as well as an integrated support approach.


44.5 There are a number of key workstreams being provided to achieve the aim of a ‘Thriving Youth’ in the area. These have been identified by using the Young People’s Voice with a survey of 1,124 respondents and the development of a Young People’s Advisory Group. The focus is on developing protective and preventative measures with early intervention.  These area identified as:


·         Skills for Parents – to develop the skills and resilience of parents as well as offer support

·         Communication between Primary Care and Schools

·         Find It Out Plus – provision of a welcoming space so that an early approach can be taken in exploring what a young person needs in terms of existing support and help without the need of a referral

·         Use of the Peer Support value

·         Online Resources – so that quality information can be accessed


44.6 In discussing the presentation the Board:


·      agreed that multi-agency working and bringing systems together would assist in the provision of accessible support for young people. It was recognised that this approach would be effective, reducing duplication.

·      welcomed the early intervention focus with the aim of improving the experience for a young person accessing support;

·       highlighted the need for engaging with commissioners and providers so that health inequalities could be addressed as well as appealing to all demographics;

·       recognised that this approach could assist with transitions from youth to adult services with the aim that adult services become under less pressure due to early and effective interventions;

·       cited the success of similar youth projects such as i-Rock Hastings where Accident and Emergency (A&E) admissions had been reduced as a result of suitable services, including emotional wellbeing, mental health, education / employment as well as housing;

·       pointed out that there was a lack of youth services County Wide and encouraged collaborative working with partners to offer placed based support;

·       identified groups of young people who could benefit from connection with place based youth services such as university students who could be vulnerable to loneliness and social isolation. The YMCA offer of activities such as theatrical make up groups for girls was given as an example of identifying groups who may need social interaction but not choose to participate in team sports; and

·       explored how the Board could assist planning for needs across West Sussex without adopting a ‘one size fits all’ approach. It was suggested that this should be articulated in the West Sussex Plan.


44.7 In thanking Adur and Worthing Councils for their comprehensive report and presentation, the Chairman offered the Board’s support for this positive work and requested an update to the Board on the progress of Find It Out Plus at the appropriate time.


44.8 Resolved that the Health and Wellbeing Board:


1)   acknowledged the work that had been done, especially around Find it Out Plus; and

2)   supported the development of this way of place-based working, for development, in order to embed it across West Sussex in order to achieve a positive Start Well, Children First approach.




Supporting documents: