Agenda item

Pension Administration Performance

Report by the Director of Finance and Support Services.


The Panel is asked to note the update on the Administration Performance; the changes to the Administration Strategy; and agree the Breaches Policy.


36.1   The Panel considered a report by the Director of Finance and Support Services (copy appended to the signed minutes).


36.2   Nadine Muschamp introduced the report and explained that representatives from Hampshire County Council had sent their apologies for the meeting.


36.3   Nadine Muschamp confirmed that Hampshire County Council were committed to improving performance and noted the impact of legacy issues on their performance.  Officers were working with Hampshire County Council on a data improvement plan which would be reported on at the next meeting.


36.4   Nadine Muschamp reported that as of 31 August approximately 49,000 Annual Benefit Statements (ABS) had been produced.  Since then approximately 2,000 had also been provided.  There were 7,000 remaining where further work was required.  The outstanding ABSs would be reviewed with regard to if they constituted a breach.


36.5   The Panel made comments including those that follow.


      Expressed disappointment that all ABSs had not been submitted on time following Hampshire County Council’s confidence. Nadine Muschamp gave assurances that identified issues were being worked on to ensure improvements were made for next year.

      Queried if the 7,000 outstanding ABSs were from a mix of areas or were linked to a specific scheme. Steven Law confirmed that they were from a mix of areas and that Hampshire County Council had provided details of where they were to assist Hymans Robertson with the valuation work.

      Raised concerns on the reduced performance for Divorce and Interfunds. Rachel Wood confirmed that Interfunds had fallen back and that Hampshire County Council had split legacy and business as usual work into two work streams.  Divorce work was done by the same team where Hampshire County Council worked to ensure data was provided to members when required, albeit not always complying with the SLA.  The Panel asked if these areas were more technically difficult that other areas.  – Rachel Wood reported that the work was the same level as other areas and should be straight forward if the correct data is available.

      Queried if the data issues were historic or linked to transfer arrangements; and if the issues would impact the valuation work. Steven Law reported that the majority of the issues were historic and the valuation would make assumptions on any uncertain areas.

      Sought reassurance that correspondence on death cases included appropriate empathy. Rachel Wood confirmed this was the case.

      Queried the process for nominating a beneficial for death benefits. Steven Law explained that the criteria was that an individual with a minimum relationship.

      Asked if the backlog and data quality issues were linked to resourcing and if extra support was required. Nadine Muschamp explained that a plan was being worked on with Hampshire County Council to understand what was a reasonable work load.  Consideration would then be given to see if additional resources were available.  This would be reported to the next Panel meeting.  The Chairman reminded the Panel that any new administration provider would have been more that the previous contract, even if the service has still be provided by Capita.

      Sought clarity on the expectation of Hampshire County Council to achieve their SLA following the transfer. Katharine Eberhart, Director of Finance and Support Services, resolved to look into the contract wording, but reported that there had not been an expectation of immediate SLA compliance.  The Chairman expected that improvements would be seen in January and that the Panel would be monitoring compliance closely.  It was reported that Hampshire County Council were quick to resolve any specific issues that were raised.  Panel members observed that there has been a reduction in complaints received.

      Commented on the regulatory requirements for the level of training for Pension Advisory Board members. Steven Law reported that in the future the Pensions Panel members would be held to the same regard.


36.6   Resolved – that the Panel note the update on Administration Performance; the updates to the Administration Strategy; and agree the Breaches Policy.

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