Agenda item

Community Initiative Funding (W01(19/20))

Report by the Director of Law and Assurance.


The report summarises Community Initiative Funding Applications submitted via the West Sussex Crowd and to the Microfund. The Committee is invited to consider the applications and pledge funding as appropriate.


At its meeting on 8 July 2019 the Worthing County Local Committee considered the Community Initiative Funding applications to the Microfund and those received via the West Sussex Crowd, as set out in Appendix A.


RESOLVED that the following grants from the Microfund be approved:


·       387/W – Action Painting Workshops Arts House CIC - £490.91 – Towards purchasing art materials and a mobile paint dryer for use by visitors to the community arts studio.

·       388/W – Worthing Community Board Games - £750 – towards start-up funding covering board game purchases, publicity costs and volunteer expenses.

And the following pledges be approved:

·       358/W We Are Food Pioneers - £1,000 – towards marketing materials and delivering ‘meet the bees’ sessions in schools.

·       364/W Creative Waves Community Arts - £1,000 – towards wellbeing workshop room hire and publicity costs.

·       354/W Worthing Rotary Club - £1,000 – towards the cost of hiring a circus tent and marquee stage for this year’s two-day August bank holiday event, subject to the project being fully verified and begins fundraising in the financial year.

·       368/W Adur and Worthing Poverty Truth Commission, Hear My Story - £1,000 – towards building resilient, trust-based relations between civic leaders / decision-makers, and local people directly experiencing poverty.


The following pitch was deferred:


·       344/W – Freedom Power Chairs, Disabled Visitor Facilities.  Members agreed to consider a pledge once they could see the level of community support through pledges from the public.  It was agreed this could be done via an urgent action decision prior to the next CLC meeting.

The following pitches were refused:

·       374/W Songs alive. Members agreed there was not enough background information to make an informed decision and the project had only 11 days left to fundraise so was very unlikely to be successful. The Committee advised the project manager that the project was more suited to applying to the Microfund. The project manager agreed to complete an application.

·       343/W Daisy Chain Project, Drop -ins. The project manager advised the Committee that funding for the project had been acquired through other means and the committee therefore agreed not to contribute a pledge.


The call in deadline is 16 July 2019.


10.1 The Worthing County Local Committee considered the Community Initiative Funding applications to the Microfund and those received via the West Sussex Crowd, as set out in Appendix A.

10.2 The Committee considered each application on its merits and the benefits each would have to the local communities they supported. It was therefore


RESOLVED that the following grants from the microfund be approved:


·       387/W – Action Painting Workshops Arts House CIC - £490.91 – Towards purchasing art materials and a mobile paint dryer for use by visitors to the community arts studio.

·       388/W – Worthing Community Board Games - £750 – towards start-up funding covering board game purchases, publicity costs and volunteer expenses.

And the following pledges be approved:

·       358/W We Are Food Pioneers - £1,000 – towards marketing materials and delivering ‘meet the bees’ sessions in schools.

·       364/W Creative Waves Community Arts - £1,000 – towards wellbeing workshop room hire and publicity costs.

·       354/W Worthing Rotary Club - £1,000 – towards the cost of hiring a circus tent and marquee stage for this year’s two-day August bank holiday event, subject to the project being fully verified and begins fundraising in the financial year.

·       368/W Adur and Worthing Poverty Truth Commission, Hear My Story - £1,000 – towards building resilient, trust-based relations between civic leaders / decision-makers, and local people directly experiencing poverty.


The following pitch was deferred:


·       344/W – Freedom Power Chairs, Disabled Visitor Facilities.  Members agreed to consider a pledge once they could see the level of community support through pledges from the public.  It was agreed this could be done via an urgent action decision prior to the next CLC meeting.

The following pitches were refused:

·       374/W Songs alive. Members agreed there was not enough background information to make an informed decision and the project had only 11 days left to fundraise so was very unlikely to be successful. The Committee advised the project manager that the project was more suited to applying to the Microfund. The project manager agreed to complete an application.

·       343/W Daisy Chain Project, Drop -ins. The project manager advised the Committee that funding for the project had been acquired through other means and the committee therefore agreed not to contribute a pledge.


The call in deadline is 16 July 2019.

Supporting documents: