Agenda item

Education and Skills Annual Report

Report by Executive Director Children, Adults, Families, Health and Education.


Each year the Education and Skills Service publishes an Annual

Report which highlights strengths and indicates areas for

improvement. Scrutiny of the summary of this report provides

members of the Children and Young People’s Services Select

Committee insight into the performance of the Service.


The Committee is asked to consider the changes in standards

being produced in schools and colleges in attainment, progress,

exclusions and retention, as well as the rationale for the next

years focus in refining how to improve standards.


7.1     The Committee considered a report by Paul Wagstaff, Director of Education and Skills. The Director of Education and Skills advised the Committee the report demonstrated the directorates improvement journey, outcomes achieved by schools, and the key priorities to embed the School Effectiveness Strategy. Mark Jenner, Head of School Effectiveness highlighted the following key points:


·       The report had been in creation for 18 months. Result data was validated in February.

·       The report had taken on a new format which clearly indicated targets, and the performance matched against those targets.

·       The School Effectiveness Strategy was now firmly in operation.

·       The report indicated the priorities that will mean further progress is made towards the targets set for 2022.

·       A Census survey indicated pupil numbers were continuing to increase.

·       There had been a significant reduction of sugar in school meals.

·       Pupils with EHCPs in West Sussex had a higher percentage of attainment (3.1%) when compared to England (2.9%).

·       Disadvantaged pupils in Crawley at KS2 were performing better than similar children nationally, however this was not reflected in other areas of the county, where this cohort were not meeting the national attainment levels.

·       The Virtual School remained at the centre of work for the Education and Skills team.


7.2     The Chairman thanked the Head of School of Effectiveness and the Director of Education and Skills, and congratulated them on the improving figures.  The Committee considered the following questions:


·       Members asked how the completion of timely EHCPs could be increased and improved. The Director of Education and Skills advised there were 2 measures for the completion of EHCPs; either 16 weeks for a review or 20 weeks for a new assessment. He advised that over 90% of these were completed within the appropriate timescales, and that WSCC was doing well to achieve this.

·       The Committee questioned what happened to excluded children. The Director of Education and Skills advised the Timpson report had indicated that CLA and children with SEND were more likely to be excluded. Harnessing an inclusive curriculum, better use of therapeutic support and awareness would help to avoid these exclusions. A culture shift needed to take place in order to understand why a child might behave in certain ways.

·       Members of the Committee considered if there was support for children with SEND in academies. The Director of Education and Skills advised any school with pupils with EHCP statements received additional funding to help meet the needs of the child. This was annually reviewed. Although there was no jurisdiction with academies, the local authority can challenge and approach the Regional Schools Commissioner.

·       Members asked how schools accommodated pupils with physical disabilities. The Director of Education and Skills advised there were currently 10 special schools within the county for those with very complex needs, and this provision was expanding with the Special Support Centre (SSC) proposal. He added all schools need accessibility plans.


7.3     Resolved that the Committee:


1.   Noted the content of the Education and Skills Annual Report, and asked to consider next years report at a future meeting.

2.   Requested that the Director of Education and Skills provide the Committee with timelines and actions in order to reduce the number of EHCPs not completed within the statutory timescales.


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