Agenda item

Adult Social Care Improvement Programme

Information report and presentation by Executive Director for Children’s, Adults, Families, Health and Education and Director of Adults’ Services.



49.1   The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director for Children, Adults, Families, Health and Education and the Director of Adults’ Services (copy appended to the signed minutes) which was introduced by Paul McKay, Director of Adults’ Services who told the Committee: -


·        The safeguarding indicators showed good improvement – information had been sought on the 10 cases that were outside the target

·        All priority 1 and 2 assessments in Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) cases had been completed

·        An extra £2m would be needed to complete the lower priority assessments, therefore these were being triaged to manage risk

·        Some people may have more frequent assessments than others

·        The increase in referrals over winter had caused longer timescales for assessments

·        Continued improvement was expected over the next year, but the internal indicator targets needed to be reviewed as 100% targets were unrealistic and benchmarking of other authorities was being carried out to help decide new ones


49.2   Deborah Robinson, Interim Lead Adults’ Service Improvement Programme told the Committee that the safeguarding indicators had in depth information behind them and that monthly performance management meetings now took place to help increase quality and change culture.


49.3   Summary of responses to Members’ comments and questions: -


·        The Council expected to employ an extra 21 social workers this year, thus reducing the spend on agency staff

·        Retention of staff was more difficult in the north of the county due to the attraction of higher wages in Surrey

·        Recruitment and retention of staff was a priority for the Health & Wellbeing Board which was working with district and borough councils on housing needs and also looking at pay levels

·        New equipment was to be given to social workers by November to enable them to do some administration tasks whilst away from the office – the Council was also looking at other ways to increase the amount of time social workers spent with customers

·        There was less turnover of occupational therapy staff, but the Council was still looking at how to attract newly qualified occupational therapists, including professional development opportunities

·        The social worker presence at East Surrey Hospital was to become permanent

·        The use of video, with customers’ consent, was being introduced

·        High demand, care home closures and staff sickness have cause problems

·        Community teams provided packs of local information and there was also a lot of information on the Connect to Support website re accessing support

·        Most authorities were in a similar position to West Sussex regarding DoLS assessments

·        The Council will introduce national standards for DoLS assessments

·        The order of priority was Safeguarding, DoLS, new assessments then assessment reviews

·        Customer Access Points would be set up in locations used by people

·        Early intervention should help social workers concentrate on more complex issues

·        More integration between health and social care could avoid duplication – this was another priority for the Health & Wellbeing Board

·        A map of the roll out of innovation sites would be sent to the Committee


49.4   Resolved – that the Committee welcomes: -


     i.        That performance data has been shared with the Committee and asks to consider performance data again at a future meeting, including any suggested target changes

    ii.        The work to shift the culture of the organisation in this area and aspiration to ensure sufficient staff are recruited permanently and retained, asking that the Committee is provided with further developments at a future meeting

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