Agenda item

Progress Statement

The document contains brief updates on statements of progress made on issues raised at previous meetings.  The Committee is asked to note the report.



35.1   The Committee considered the progress statement on matters arising from previous meetings (copy appended to the signed minutes).


35.2   Mr Burrett updated the Committee on the progress with Woodlands Meed.  £20m had been allocated from the Capital Programme with £0.5m allocated towards design works.


35.3   Leigh Hunnikin, Project Manager within the Capital Projects and Planning team, confirmed that expressions of interest were being investigated with six architects; three of these would be invited to present their designs.  An architect would be appointed by the end of April.  Plans were still on track to open in September 2021. 


35.4   Mr Bradbury reported that Marion Wilcock, Chairman of Woodlands Meed Governing Body, had written to say the project was progressing satisfactorily.


35.5   Mr Burrett reported that the next stage of work was behind the scenes; but gave assurance that while no visible works were happening, work would be progressing. 


35.6   The Committee welcomed the update and progress, and resolved to keep Woodlands Meed on the Progress Statement until the school was complete.  Mr Burrett also welcomed people emailing him or the governing body if they had concerns with the site.


35.7   The Chairman invited questions from the public on the Progress Statement.


·       A member of the public queried if the County Council was pursuing a Sports for England grant for the Woodlands Meed sports hall.  - Mr Burrett explained that this would be for the Governing Body to do without the County Council.  The County Council would provide an adequate sports hall for the school as part of the design work; however it would not look to create a sports hall with a Centre of Excellence rating.

·       A Member of the public queried if the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) strategy for post 16 provision would align with the plans for Haywards Heath. Mr Burrett confirmed that the current SEND strategy ran from 2016 to 2019 and that the consultation had just been launched for the 2019 – 2023 strategy.  Officers were aware of the Haywards Heath provision and the need to link it with the strategy.


35.8   Richard Speller updated the members on the highway elements of the Progress Statement.


35.9   It was reported that conversations were taking place with McDonalds over the issues with the drive through in Burgess Hill.  The manager of McDonalds had explained that burgers had to be sold within 10 minutes of being made and so the issue with the drive through was linked to the correct management of customer levels with staff.  Highways officers were reluctant to spend resources without a clear outcome.  Current lining could be refreshed as part of routine maintenance arrangements. 


35.10 A member of the public commented that customers drive in the ‘out’ lane and that improving the access on site would with this.  - Richard Speller resolved to raise this with McDonalds.


35.11 Richard Speller reported that there was a delay in the publishing of the Annual Delivery Programme which would provide updates on projects. Richard Speller resolved to merge Haywards Heath entries on the following Progress Statement.


35.12 The Committee queried the progress of the pedestrian crossing between Bolnore Village and Cuckfield. Richard Speller reported that ecological work in the area had led to an increase in costs and the project had been delayed.  The crossing had been secured for delivery in the next Annual Delivery Programme.

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