Agenda item

One Public Estate

A report by the Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment providing an update on the programme, (to follow).


The Committee is asked to review and support the update regarding the programme.


68.1 The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment (copy appended to the signed minutes).


68.2 The Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment introduced the report which provides an update on the overall programme and highlighted key information for the Committee.


68.3 The Committee made comments in relation to the report including those that follow. It:

        Expressed concern regarding the Maltravers/Fitzalan Road Littlehampton project as the services included in this project are changing regularly. The core concern for residents is the health hub, as the Clinical Commissioning Group estate strategy proposes the closure of the Zachary Merton Community Hospital. Members believe this to be within an unrealistic timetable, expressed concern that no funding is offered towards the health hub and asked HASC to consider this further. The Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment commented that as the project feasibility is created the funding is committed; 100 homes are proposed as part of the finance but this needs to be converted from an aspiration to a commitment. The Leader echoed the frustration regarding the slow progress of the NHS with this project.

        Queried whether mental health services or day services are planned to be provided from Centenary House Worthing; a presentation was given to the CLC regarding relocation of services to the library and then relocation back to Centenary House again once redeveloped, which will be a lot of disruption for services including the Registration Service. The Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment commented that Centenary House is in a poor state of repair and requires refurbishment, a viability study has been undertaken which gave a number of ideas for the site but a proposal has not been confirmed yet. A key constraint in the redevelopment is providing appropriate interim service accommodation in order that services only relocate once.

        Commented that it would be helpful to have an overall feel for the performance of the OPE programme in regards to delivering on both timeline and cost in order to reassure Members, and queried whether there are any revenue savings attached to the projects under OPE. The Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment commented that the projects may not all be delivered as some are speculative, but the Council needs to deliver on our internal projects. Officers do look at revenue savings as part of the projects, and some savings are made via capital receipts.

        The Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment explained that there is a meeting shortly with the NHS regarding the OPE and asked if the Committee would be happy to broaden the scope of its comments about the NHS commitment to the OPE programme to include other projects within the OPE. The Committee agreed this would be beneficial.


68.4 Resolved:


1) That the Committee notes the lack of NHS capital funding and commitment for projects, and requests the Health and Adult Social Care Select Committee (HASC) take these issues and concerns forward for scrutiny; and


2) That the Committee notes the slow progress of some projects, including Centenary House in Durrington, and the uncertainty of what services will be provided on the sites.

Supporting documents: