Agenda item

Capital Programme Quarter 2 Performance Report

A report by the Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment outlining the Capital Programme’s performance as at 30 September 2018.


The Committee is asked to review, comment on and make any relevant recommendations for action to the Cabinet Member in relation to the quarterly performance report of the capital programme. 


67.1 The Committee considered a report by the Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment (copy appended to the signed minutes).


67.2 The Capital Programme Manager introduced the report and highlighted key information for the Committee including two projects that have remained in the pipeline stage and two benefits reported as delayed or at risk. 


67.3 The Committee made comments in relation to the report including those that follow. It:

        Expressed concern regarding the Alternative Provision scheme and queried whether there was a timeline or site proposed. The Capital Programme Manager confirmed the works at the FlintstoneCentre were complete and the service had moved, but that remedial maintenance works were required at additional cost before the project could complete.

        Expressed concern regarding the A284 Lyminster Bypass and sought assurance that capital funding would be made available for the viaduct. The Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment explained that the project is partly funded by the LEP. The cost to the Council will be mitigated via a bid to the future capital programme, which is currently being worked on and will be considered at County Council in February 2019. A further funding bid can also be made to Highways England. The local member noted his full support to this approach.

        Commented that the local member was not made aware of the location of 6 solar farm/battery storage sites within his ward. The Leader noted the member should have been aware and will ensure he is kept informed and updated in future.

        Noted that the capital programme is ambitious, and queried how much the lack of resource within the team to complete projects has been a factor over the past year and how uncompleted projects will impact the coming year. The Executive Director of Economy, Infrastructure and Environment confirmed the team has struggled to recruit and retain specialised staff e.g. surveyors, and has used the multi-disciplinary contract procured in the summer to cover this gap in staffing. The capacity within the team is a future risk however this is being monitored.

·                  Commented that a significant proportion of projects have been reprofiled which may delay the benefit from the project, incur additional cost or entail a cost to the community, and queried how these factors could be better represented within the report. The Capital Programme Manager explained the projections may have been over-optimistic regarding delivery in some instances. The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources explained that the concern is greater for projects at risk of non-delivery than of delay, and rescheduling of projects is sometimes of benefit. Projects such as school places are always a priority. Officers are refining the capital programme’s progress to better understand its performance and the Executive Director is monitoring capacity within the team.

·                  Commented that slippage of 20% within the programme is a great improvement from that of two years ago, that the reports are much clearer and informative, and offered thanks to the officers involved for their dedication to the programme. The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources echoed this thanks to the officers.


67.4 Resolved:


1) That the Committee again reiterate the need for local Members to be informed and consulted of changes to projects and property holdings within their wards;


2) That the Committee seeks clarity over the allocation of sufficient resources to deliver the programme; and


3) That the Committee request additional effort is put into improving the profiling of the delivery of capital projects.

Supporting documents: