Agenda item

Planning Application: Regulation 3

Report by Strategic Planning Manager.


To consider and determine the following application:


WSCC/019/18/A         The construction of a three storey extension to provide additional class bases, a single storey extension to provide additional Performing Arts space, a single storey extension to the existing Changing Room block to provide two additional changing rooms, additional car parking and cycle storage and the removal of two temporary classroom buildings.   The Angmering School, Station Road, Angmering, West Sussex, BN16 4HH.


WSCC/019/18/A       The construction of a three storey extension to provide additional class bases, a single storey extension to provide additional Performing Arts space, a single storey extension to the existing Changing Room block to provide two additional changing rooms, additional car parking and cycle storage and the removal of two temporary classroom buildings.  The Angmering School, Station Road, Angmering, West Sussex, BN16 4HH.


61.1   The Committee considered a report by the Head of Planning Services (copy appended to the signed minutes).  The report was introduced by Chris Bartlett, Principal Planner, who provided a presentation on the proposals, details of consultation and key issues in respect of the application.  The following points were specifically noted:

·         Consultees – Local Member Deborah Urquhart, Member for Angmering and Findon is supportive of the application.

·         Details of the proposed elevations of the three story extension and also a plan showing proposed landscaping adjacent to this extension and along the path to the east were highlighted.


61.2   Leigh Hunnikin, Project Manager for West Sussex County Council (the applicant) spoke in support of the application.  Significant and projected growth in West Sussex pupil numbers means that in Angmering the demand for secondary school places exceeds the capacity available.  Feeder schools have already been expanded to meet rising demand.  Without the proposed expansion the County Council will be unable to offer secondary places to pupils near their homes.  An executive decision has been agreed to expand The Angmering School by one form of entry.  The increase in pupil numbers will be gradual until the school reaches full capacity.  The proposed changes will provide sufficient and suitable buildings for the additional pupils, including: dining facilities that will double up as a performing arts space; science and art rooms to provide specialist spaces; replacement of poor condition temporary classrooms, and additional cycle/scooter storage.  The proposal provides cost effective buildings balanced against demanding budgets.  The buildings are designed to meet ‘BREEAM’ very good.


61.3   Colin Coulthard, Design Co-Ordinator, Sunninghilll Construction Co. Ltd, the design team spoke in support of the application.  The proposals aim to achieve a scheme of successful mitigation measures to allay fears of overlooking and provide successful boundary treatment.  None of the local residents have objected either informally at the public consultation or formally as part of the planning process.  The functions and location of the three storey teaching block will allow curriculum areas to be clearly defined across all areas, support the subject by subject internal courtyards and create strong links with the Science wing.  The building has been designed to be thermally high performing, and will provide energy efficiency savings.  It is built to be able to take solar panel arrays in future but is not reliant on this for its thermal efficiency.  Other external works seek to enhance and tidy-up the appearance of the site and will consolidate the back-of- house areas of the school site as well as providing enhanced PTA facilities.  Additional off-road staff parking will greatly assist with traffic issues.


61.4   During the debate the Committee raised the points below and clarification was provided by the Planning Officers, where applicable:


Three storey teaching block - windows

Points rose – Clarification was sought regarding the placement of windows on the east elevation, closest to residential properties. 

Response – Windows on the top right of the east-elevation will be obscured glass.  The remainder will be clear glass.  Some windows have sections of coloured film. 


Three storey teaching block – design and impact on amenity and need for the facility

Points rose –The need for new classrooms is accepted.  There were opposing views on the attractiveness of the design of the three storey teaching block.  Would there have been an objection from the WSCC Landscape Architect if the building been two storeys instead of three?
What is the height of the proposed trees which are to be planted along the eastern boundary and path?  Will these trees be deciduous or evergreen?

Response – An executive decision has been made to commission modular buildings for West Sussex schools, so the building is a ‘block’.  Design is subjective.  From a planning perspective the concerns raised were regarding the scale and mass of the building in relation to its location on the boundary and near residential properties; this has been considered and, on balance, it does not outweigh the significant need for additional school places.  The revised scheme of landscape proposals, submitted after the objection noted in the Committee report, means that the introduction of new trees will help to screen the views of the building.  Proposed landscaping plan includes trees of 3.5 - 4.5 metres to be planted.  The proposed trees are deciduous, to allow more light in winter when the sun is lower in the sky.


Other Works

Point raised – The additional works, including the removal of old, temporary classrooms and provision of additional car-parking and cycle spaces are welcomed.

Response – None required.


61.5   The substantive recommendation was proposed by Mr Quinn and seconded by Mr Patel and was put to the Committee and approved unanimously.


61.6   Resolved –That planning permission be granted subject to conditions and informatives set out in Appendix 1 of the report, as agreed by the Committee.

Supporting documents: