Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing in Arun

Report by the Arun Wellbeing Partnership.


The Board will receive a presentation on the work of the Partnership and its priorities.


The Board is asked to agree how the work of the Partnership can support the objectives of the Health and Wellbeing Board.



22.1.  Robin Wickham, Group Head of Community Wellbeing and Nigel Lynn, CEO Arun DC gave a presentation to the Board on the work of the Arun Wellbeing Partnership.  (Report appended to the agenda and available on the website).


22.2.  The Chairman invited comments and questions on the information received.  Members:


    commended the initiative for looked after children and questioned what KPIs were being worked to to help children become more emotionally resilient and live more healthy lifestyles.  It was explained that there were KPIs in Arun’s plans with Freedom Leisure that could be shared with members

    commended the partnership work which helped the Board understand health priorities and lifestyle factors in the district and boroughs that it might not otherwise be aware of

    requested some feedback from users of the Laburnum Centre; the representative for the voluntary sector undertook to provide this

    questioned mental health support services for looked after children and those in transition between children and adults services.  It was explained that the District Council support in this area was aligned and in partnership with the County Council services.  Also that work in partnership with organisations such as the Bodyshop was being explored as was strengthening links with schools and available support groups

    alerted members to work of Healthwatch to understand the experience of 11 year old’s in the area of mental health and wellbeing 

    highlighted the work of Oakleaf which in partnership with MIND had undertaken work with people 16 to 25 years, aligned with Pathfinder and taking support into schools.  The opportunity for this to link up across the county around leisure opportunities and activities was emphasised

    explained the work of Arun and Worthing Council with people 18-20 years to bring together the initiatives under the THRIVE programme for young adults 

    highlighted an opportunity for bids to government for ring-fenced mental health monies  

    acknowledged the chronic NHS underfunding by government for MH services; that the vast majority of young people would not require access to the high tier services; that partners needed to think about funding early intervention support by looking at charitable and lottery funded projects to avoid people needing such services.

    questioned how District Council powers around planning were being used to improve health and wellbeing in the area.  It was explained that 106 monies were being used in support of the new community centre and that cycling infrastructure was also being given support in this way

    highlighted the importance of the work of the District and Borough partners in developing the Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy.  This would ensure a good understanding of need and place and determine clear priorities for each area which could then be mapped against existing resources

    emphasised that the voluntary sector continued to explore access to funding other than that from the local authority and highlighted that, with each organisation in competition for this with each other, it was essential to work in partnership and not duplicate services.

    questioned the use of the new homes bonus.  It was explained that while this was flexible it was in the main used to bolster revenue budgets, noted that the Local Plan was going forward and would give further opportunities

    agreed a great deal of good work was going on in the voluntary sector and it was essential to integrate and strengthen existing services rather than create more.   Noted that this would require a good understanding of priorities and agreement on direction.

    expressed willingness on part of CCGs to understand, encourage and work with LCNs on their priorities.


22.3   The Chairman thanked members for their input.  The Director Public Health summed up the significant opportunities for the Board to take relationships further with District and Borough partners to improve health and wellbeing across the county, share good practice and link up funding spend.  This would lead from the refresh of the JSNA, reframe of the Board’s strategy, initiatives coming from that work with wellbeing hubs and the Integrated Prevention and Early Help hubs.  The Director also highlighted the opportunities to link in with the LCNs and the voluntary sector and schools and wider communities. 


22.4   The Chairman referred members to the recommendation and sought agreement to move forward with partnership work as summarized.


22.5   Resolved that the Board:


agreed that the work of the Partnership could support the objectives of  the Health and Wellbeing Board by continuing to work in partnership, linking with the JSNA and the JHWBS, sharing good practice and linking up funding spend.

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