Agenda item

Internal Audit Progress Report

Report by the Director of Finance and Support Services, and the Head of Southern Internal Audit Partnership.

The Committee is asked to note the Internal Audit Progress report.


44.1     The Committee considered a report by the Director of Finance and Support Services, and the Head of Southern Internal Audit Partnership (copy appended to the signed minutes).

44.2     The Committee welcomed Mr Davey Assistant Director (Highways Transport and Planning) and Ms Hulme (Head of Local Highway Operations) to the meeting to provide an update on health and safety processes at highway depots.

44.3     Mr Davey confirmed there were three operational depots that were shared with contractors.  The responsibility of Health and Safety was shared with all site users.  The audit had been requested by the Highways department to health check the procedures that were in place.  Actions had been highlighted from the audit and steps had been taken to make appropriate improvements.  The majority of actions had been completed.

44.4     Ms Hulme confirmed that the site usage was limited to particular staff and that staff inductions covered relevant health and safety aspects.  Outstanding actions related to derelict buildings.  First aid training sessions for all staff were being conducted over a twelve month period.

44.5     The Committee made comments including those that follow.

      Sought assurance that actions had been taken to address the health and safety issues and ensure they were not repeated in future.  – Ms Hulme confirmed that the corporate duties for the sites had been maintained and that an appropriate officer was responsible for each site and co-ordinating all users.

      Queried if a culture change was required to reinforce approaches to health and safety.  – Mr Davey confirmed that all staff undertook health and safety training.  All new staff received an induction and it was confirmed that no activity could proceed at the depot without an understanding of the risks and mitigations.  The importance of continually reminding staff of health and safety was acknowledged.  The audit had been requested by Highways due to the recognition of the importance of safety.  The depots had a good track record of health and safety and positive collaborative working with all depot users.

      Asked if mental health training had been considered.  – Mr Davey confirmed that mental health first aiders were in the directorate and identified to all staff.  It was recognised that highways workers were subject to abuse via site activity, email and social media.  Work was done to ensure staff wellbeing was considered.

      Cllr Boram, Chairman of the Fire & Rescue Service Scrutiny Committee, recommended liaising with the Chief Fire Officer over mental health work.  – Ms Hulme confirmed that training pieces had been shared from the Chief Fire Officer.  It was confirmed that contractors were subject to alcohol and drug testing and that vehicle usage was also carefully monitored.  There was currently no mandate for alcohol and drug testing for County Council staff and it was noted that there was no history of this usage at depots.


44.6     The Committee thanked Mr Davey and Ms Hulme for their updated and welcomed the work that was being done in the depots.

44.7     Mr Pitman, Head of Southern Internal Audit Partnership, introduced the report and highlighted the progress of Internal Audit actions.

44.8     The Committee noted the work on fire service reviews and expressed concern on the delays.  – Mr Boram, Chairman of the Fire & Rescue Service Scrutiny Committee (FRSSC), confirmed that he had challenged the Surrey joint service at a scrutiny meeting.  Mrs Eves proposed that inviting an officer from the fire service to a committee meeting could be beneficial.  Mr Pitman confirmed that he was confident with the rolling programme progress.

44.9     Resolved – That the Progress Report be noted.

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