Agenda item

Workforce and organisational culture - update

Report by Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development.


The report outlines progress on a range of issues relating to the Council’s workforce and details areas which require further attention and development moving forward.


The report also includes details of changes to work practices as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic as Smarter Working is implemented across the Council.


26.1     The Committee scrutinised a report by the Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development (copy appended to the signed minutes).


26.2     Summary of responses to committee members’ questions and comments: -


·         To improve equality and diversity, the Council needs to better understand the experience of staff with protected characteristics and make reasonable adjustments to working arrangements where necessary

·         The Fire & Rescue Service is trying to attract people from various backgrounds by highlighting different aspects of the role e.g. the leadership and managerial aspects of the role over the purely physical requirements

·         The Key Performance Indicators used by the Council were its own, but were similar to those used by other local authorities

·         The Council is starting to promote careers in local government by going to schools/colleges and run its own careers fairs. Also need to promote careers with the long term unemployed.

·         Weekly recruitment meetings are held to review vacancies in Children’s Services due to pressures in that area

·         Apart from surveys, staff feedback comes from managers, weekly meetings with UNISON and exit interviews

·         Planned reduction in office space was based on team feedback through the Smarter Working Project

·         It was expected that more people might work from offices during the cold months

·         The Council will be cautious about reducing the available accommodation until the situation settles in case more people decide to work from offices

·         Most staff are comfortable with webinars to gather views and feedback though face to face events also take place

·         Managers are asked to talk to staff regularly about smarter working arrangements

·         It was normal practice that existing staff can take up apprenticeships within the Council. Development opportunities like this also helps with staff retention

·         The unregistered workforce is people who don't necessarily need a specific qualification to undertake their roles

·         Human Resources and Organisational Development is on target to meet £100k savings this year – next year’s savings are on hold

·         Looking at why people join the Council could be investigated to better understand what attracts people to work for the Council. This could help to develop recruitment and retention strategies

·         It is unknown how many people leave and rejoin the Council, but some take early retirement and come back part time

·         Staff coming back to the Council from CAPITA will have a clear induction programme and be asked to complete a pulse survey after three months

·         The Branch Secretary of UNISON attended the meeting and reported that UNISON feels: -

Ø  The pulse survey is essential and that some questions should be kept for historical comparison

Ø  Work around recruitment and retention is essential, especially in social work (where there have been some good initiatives) and schools

Ø  Human Resources carries a lot of risk for the Council and needs investment as much as any other directorate

Ø  UNISON will work with Human Resources on integrating CAPITA staff back into the Council


26.3     Resolved – that the Committee: -


             i.        Recognises the need to understand the workforce with more clarity in terms of protected characteristics

            ii.        Asks that consideration be given to developing the relationships with schools, and other groups, in terms of career fairs or other means to attract people into local government and public services

           iii.        Supports strengthening the process around exit interviews and further staff engagement to gather and understand better workforce issues and concerns

          iv.        Asks that consideration be given to gaining an understanding of why people join the organisation

Supporting documents: