Agenda item

Quarterly Review of Corporate Risk Management

Report by the Director of Law and Assurance.

The Committee is asked to review the information detailed in the report and provide comment as necessary.


16.1     The committee considered a report by the Director of Law and Assurance (copy appended to the signed minutes).

16.2     Mr Pake, Corporate Risk and Business Planning Manager, introduced the report and updated the committee on actions from the previous meeting.  The Working Time Regulation risk was currently on the directorate risk register where it was felt to be most appropriate.  Mr Pake also confirmed that the Internal Audit’s role had been updated in the Risk Strategy, and agreed to share this with the committee.

16.3     The committee made comments including those that follow.

       Queried that CR22 had retained the same score from the previous quarter and was still referencing COVID-19.  The impact from COVID-19 was being recognised differently now with regard to economics.  – Mr Pake explained that COVID-19 has been removed from some risk descriptions as it was now being managed as business as usual.  CR68 may be removed from the risk register in the near future, but officers were mindful to be aware of spikes particularly during the winter period.

       Sought clarity on the change in impact score for CR11 from 4 to 5.  – Mr Pake explained that the scores were calculated based on the assessment criteria in the Risk Management Strategy.  Mr Kirkham added that there were a significant number of unknowns that the council needed to prepare for.  The impact score could be determined on the plans in place which would reduce the timescale of the impact.  Cllr Hunt added that the council was in a strong position and had made preparations with reserves should they be needed.

       Raised concerns with CR11 and how winter may add additional concerns.  The committee queried if the risk concerned all staff or just skilled staff.  – Mr Pake confirmed that the issue concerned all staff and that the wording would be updated.  The committee noted that the risk now covered a wider area and discussed which forum was most appropriate to consider the whole issue.  Following a discussion, the committee felt that each scrutiny committee would consider their area, and the Performance and Finance Scrutiny Committee (PFSC) could take an overarching view with regard to human resources.  The Chairman of PFSC proposed to raise the issue at the next meeting of the scrutiny committee.

       Noted the target figure for cyber-crime and if it should be reviewed.  – Mr Pake explained that the target was ambitious, but it reflected where the Council would like to be.  The score reflected the changing environment and the work that the Council was doing.  Mr Pake confirmed that the approach was consistent across other authorities he spoke with.  The committee noted that impact score remained at 5, and so proposed that 20 could be a better target.  Mr Pake explained that all figures came down to the assessment criteria.  Mr Kirkham explained that the Council was always subject to attacks which were becoming ever more sophisticated.

       Queried the reference to COVID-19 within CR22.  – Mr Pake confirmed that the risk was up for review in December.  Mr Kirkham added that, whilst the risk of lockdown had reduced, there was still a long-term impact from COVID-19.

16.4     Resolved – That the committee noted the information detailed in the report.

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