Agenda item

End of December 2021 (Qtr 3) Quarterly Performance and Resources Report

A report by the Chief Executive and Director of Finance and Support Services setting out the corporate performance, finance, workforce, risk and capital programme positions as at the end of December 2021.


The Committee is asked to examine the data and supporting commentary for the Performance and Resources report and make any recommendations for action to the relevant Cabinet Member or Scrutiny Committee.


40.1     The Committee scrutinised the Quarter 3 Performance and Resources Report by the Chief Executive and Director of Finance and Support Services (copy appended to the signed minutes).


40.2     Summary of responses to Members’ questions and comments: -


·         There was a query as to why paid employment for adults with learning disabilities was below target – ACTION: The Chief Executive to provide a response

·         The future use of buildings that had housed children & family centres was complicated as many were leased (not owned) by the Council. Local community groups and Members have been contacted to gather information on how the buildings could be utilised and to determine if any want to take over the premises and leases, most were not in a position to do so. More detail on this would be provided in the Asset Strategy item at the June meeting

·         Confirmed that education key stage 2 results will be available after the annual examinations and that work is on-going to improve outcomes. This performance area would be looked at by the Children & Young People’s Services Scrutiny Committee

·         The war in Ukraine was not currently having much impact on the Council’s supply lines, but the situation would be monitored to understand the risks and impact on the market.

·         The Council would work with the Government and continue to support Ukrainian refugees coming to West Sussex

·         The Council is working with Southern Water, the Environment Agency and district/borough councils over the issues around water neutrality in various parts of the county

·         Savings from staff working from home came from several budget areas so can’t be used to offset the cost of the Worthing hub project – ACTION: The Deputy Finance Officer to provide details of how the Worthing hub project is funded

·         A Member asked if there were any concerns over the predictions in relation to the New Homes Bonus Grant going forward over the next couple of years - ACTION: The Chief Executive to provide a response

·         Most of the Council’s larger contracts had inflationary clauses built into them so can adapt and adjust to monitor and manage inflation changes

·         Implementation of Smartcore (the replacement of the existing SAP system with Oracle Fusion) was delayed from September 2022 to allow more time for data transfer testing. The system would now be available early next year. Savings would show in future years.

·         The SAP system has 27 systems linked into it, Oracle Fusion will have 40. There is a lot of user engagement taking place to ensure the systems integrate with each other. Also carrying out some joint learning with East Sussex County Council who are also reviewing their systems - ACTION: The Chief Executive to provide more detail on how Oracle Fusion will integrate with all the systems and the efficiencies it will deliver

·         The Council is working with other authorities re smarter working to ensure best practice is achieved. Smarter working should lead to greater collaboration, partnership working and greater flexibility. There will be minimum requirements introduced in relation to office working

·         It is important that new starters and people in new jobs spent some time in the office to learn from other Team members.

·         It is difficult to include inflation as a standard rate in the Capital Programme as all projects are considered separately on a case-by-case basis and is included within individual Business Cases

·         The main risk to cyber security was from users clicking on links to external sources

·         Longer, more complex passwords have been introduced and external emails carried a warning to improve security

·         Members were encouraged to take the online cyber security training

·         The IT department had regular discussions about cyber security and was very vigilant – ACTION: The Chief Executive to check if the Council was part of the South East Government Warning, Advice and Reporting Point

·         A saving relating to income generation within procurement has been delayed – ACTION: The Deputy Chief Finance Officer and Property to provide the reason for the delay

·         Two major projects, Broadbridge Heath and Horsham Enterprise Park, were amber due to problems with water neutrality ACTION: The Cabinet Member for Finance and Property to provide an update on progress on these projects

·         The Human Resources redesign is due for completion in 2023-24 ACTION: The Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development to include an update on this in the People Framework paper coming to the June meeting

·         The latest pulse survey had highlighted workloads and future working arrangements as areas of concern for staff

·         There had been significant testing re mobile connectivity with district and borough councils across the county which showed strong coverage, but not every house will get gigabit broadband, however, all should get some better high-speed broadband e.g. mobile technology through a government programme

·         The Government is currently carrying out open market assessments in terms of what the market will provide in relation to the Gigabyte Project. There will be a challenge to address what the market should deliver and what it will actually deliver. The Council will work with the District and Borough Councils and MPs to address the uncertainties and challenges.

·         It is recognised that there are more disclosures of employees’ personal characteristics than the SAP system records. This will be rectified when the new Oracle Fusion system is implemented.,

·         Work is being done to increase the staff retention rates including looking at pay structures, training and working terms and conditions


40.3     Resolved: - The Committee: -


                i.       Requests that the Asset Strategy report due to come to the committee meeting in June includes information in relation to the closure of Children and Family Centres and the use of those buildings in future

               ii.       Stresses the importance of using buildings for the best use of the community

              iii.       Welcomes officers monitoring the risks and impact on the supply chain of national events

              iv.       Requests that the risks and impacts of rising inflation on pay, contracts and therefore service budgets are closely monitored

               v.       Reinforces the awareness messages and training in relation to cyber security

              vi.       Requests that the People Framework report due to June committee provides some information in relation to the Human Resources re-design

             vii.       Supports the digital roll out and emphasised the needs in the rural economy

           viii.       Requests more information in future reports around staff disclosure rates (currently reported as a ‘red’ key performance indicator) and the take-up of induction training

              ix.       Supports the Health & Adults Social Care Scrutiny Committee’s review of the Shaw contract



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