Agenda item

Children First Improvement Update - Children We Care For in West Sussex

Report by the Executive Director of Children Young People and Learning.


This item updates the Committee on the developments and progress made on the Children First programme since the Ofsted report in 2019.  This report is focussed on Children We Care For in West Sussex.


42.1     The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Cllr Russell, introduced the item and welcomed the timeliness of the discussion as it would feed into preparation for the next Ofsted monitoring visit which would be focussing on this area.


42.2     Members of the Committee asked questions and a summary of those questions and answers follows:


·       Are there any plans for future advertising campaigns for the fostering service?  There would be a focus on a market recruitment retention hub as part of the development of the Foster Service Initiative.  It was noted that the average age range of people applying to be foster carers had reduced in West Sussex as it had nationally.  The Committee were informed that the new recruitment campaign was designed to address this reduction.


·       How are the levels of social workers? The pay and reward package had attracted new social workers but there would always be regular movement.  A County Council social worker had received the Social Worker of the Year award this year and this had a positive impact on reputation as a good employer.  Recruitment campaigns, exhibitions, meet the team sessions and social media promotions were under way to support recruitment of the right people.


·       Who assesses the age of Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children (UASC)?  An initial age assessment is completed by Border Force.  Social workers would then use a tried and test highly accurate model.  It is a rigorous process which can be elevated to Assistant Director or Executive Director for a decision if required.


·       How prepared are we to deal with the complexity of needs of UASC?  The County Council has a well-positioned dedicated team for UASC who have strong links with Border Force and the Home Office, can specialise in mental health support and education links to develop language.  It was reported that the biggest pressure was on placements. 


·       How satisfied are you that the measures for completing initial health assessments on time would be met if Covid impacted on staff levels?  The Assistant Director acknowledged that performance in this area is not at the level expected and that there was a range of activity being undertaken to tackle this.  A problem-solving exercise has been planned with health colleagues to address the issues and challenges arising in practice to achieve the improved performance required for initial health assessments.  However, it had been difficult with health staff being drawn away to support vaccination programmes and other pandemic matters.  Other lockdown complications such as dentists closing and ceasing to take referrals had caused problems.  The Health and Adult Social Care Scrutiny Committee would be looking at the impact of Covid-19 on access to dental services at its meeting on 21 January 2022.  Everything that can be done to improve initial health assessments is being done. 


·       With the drop in Child Protection statutory visits, how many of our most vulnerable children are we not seeing?  The Assistant Director confirmed that every vulnerable child was regularly seen in compliance with good practice standards and national guidance.  The issue being reported related to the timeliness of recording the visits and the latest information showed that the situation had improved.  Action: The Assistant Director Corporate Parenting agreed to circulate the latest performance information outside of the meeting.


42.3     Resolved - That the Committee:


1.   Wish to pass on their thanks to the Cabinet Member and officers on achieving an Outstanding Ofsted rating at three Children’s residential homes in West Sussex. 


2.   Agrees that the performance of initial Health Assessments continues to be an area of focus for improvement and requests that the Committee is updated on the progress in the summer to see how performance is improving. 


3.   Requests a short briefing on Child Protection Statutory Visits and Initial Conference timeliness performance.

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