Agenda item

Governance Committee: Review of the Constitution

The Council is asked to consider a number of minor changes to the Constitution, in the light of a report by the Governance Committee.


19.1     The Council considered a number of minor changes to the Constitution, in the light of a report by the Governance Committee (pages 21 to 54).


19.2     An amendment was moved by Cllr Lord and seconded by Cllr O’Kelly.


Written Questions


Original text as per page 52 of the Council booklet:


2.38 Subject to the giving of the notice required by Standing Order 2.39, a member may ask a question on any matter in relation to which the County Council has powers or duties or which affects West Sussex (including any matter considered by the Executive, a scrutiny committee or non-executive committee) which is. The subject should not already otherwise be on the agenda for the meeting, and which the Chairman does not may rule out any questions considered to be irrelevant or inappropriate. The question will be deferred for a later reply if it involves the expenditure of a disproportionate amount of time or money to prepare the answers.


Proposed amendment:


2.38 Subject to the giving of the notice required by Standing Order 2.39, a member may ask a question on any matter in relation to which the County Council has powers or duties or which affects West Sussex (including any matter considered by the Executive, a scrutiny committee or non-executive committee) which is not otherwise on the agenda for the meeting, and which the Chairman, in collaboration with group leaders, does not rule to be irrelevant or inappropriate. The question will be deferred for a later reply if it or involves the expenditure of a disproportionate amount of time or money to prepare the answers.


Notices of Motion


Original text as per page 53 of the Council booklet:


2.48 The Chairman, in consultation with political group leaders, may decide that a motion shall be:


(a)   moved and debated at the next meeting (usually no more than two per meeting unless the Chairman determines otherwise);


Proposed amendment:


2.48 The Chairman, in consultation with political group leaders, may decide that a motion shall be:


(a)   moved and debated at the next meeting;’


19.3     The amendment was lost.


19.4     An amendment was moved by Cllr Sharp and seconded by Cllr O’Kelly.


‘Changes to the existing recommendations in item 7, Appendix 1 are shown in bold, underlined type.


Page 40 – Part 3, Appendix 8D, Communities, Highways and Environment Scrutiny Committee Terms of Reference:


3.       To undertake the scrutiny of the performance of the council’s services against the outcomes, objectives and measures including scrutiny of how effectively relevant corporate, and service and climate change risks are managed set through a relevant commissioning process.


Page 57 – Part 3 – Appendix 22, ACCESS Joint Committee Terms of Reference


11.4 Performance against the strategic business plan and climate change strategy agreed by the Councils.’


19.5     The amendment was lost.


19.6     Resolved – that the approval of the following recommendation be endorsed:


That the proposed changes to the Constitution, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be approved.

Supporting documents: