Agenda item

Integrated Care System, Place Based Plan

A verbal update will be provided by the Executive Director, Adults and Health.


9.1     The Executive Director Adults and Health, the Joint Strategic Director of Commissioning and the Executive Managing Director, West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group provided a verbal update on the Integrated Care System (ICS) and the Place Based Plan, outlining the significant developments as a result of the Governments White Paper on  legislative proposals for NHS Social Care Reform.


9.2     The Joint Strategic Director of Commissioning informed the Board on planning and the following key points were made;


·       it was reminded that the Place Based Plan was not a new plan but started with the West Sussex Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy which was being used as a strategic lead for Health and Care, feeding into the NHS Long Term Plan;

·       the Place Based Plan was being used to deliver objectives as a partnership whilst incorporating learning, including Covid19, into the planning journey;

·       the Place Based Plan would help direct what needed to be achieved this year as well as the longer term strategic directive;

·       a piece of work had been undertaken on Health Integration using West Sussex Communications and Engagement Network to inform on what residents would like joined up care to look like.


9.3     The Executive Managing Director, West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group provided an update to the Board on the Integrated Care System (ICS) development and the following key points were made;


·       the NHS had produced a design framework, in response to the white paper, outlining the headline operational expectations and what that would mean across partners;

·       a place-based focus and partnership working would remain central to the government’s proposal allowing West Sussex partners to build upon the excellent progress that had already been made on place based structure;

·       a statutory ICS body would be established at a Sussex wide level – one element being the implementation of an ICS Health and Care Partnership Board which would work across the NHS and partners as well as maintaining the key relationship with the Health and Wellbeing Boards. There would no longer be a Clinical Commissioning Group model;

·       it was noted that place-based working at local levels would continue to be a key focus and West Sussex would be able to continue to build upon its firm foundation of place-based work.


9.4     The Executive Director Adults and Health concluded by informing Board Members that there would be a report presented to the Cabinet meeting on 27 July 2021 on the development of  Integrated Social Care and the Government’s White Paper so that West Sussex County Council could consider potential changes. These included ensuring that West Sussex County Council fully contributes to collaborative, place-based working. It was noted that the report to Cabinet would be circulated to members of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


9.5     The Chairman gave his thanks for this update and asked for any comments/questions. The following key points were made;


·       the importance of the support provided by the voluntary sector to achieve an integrated, place based, structure was recognised and welcomed;

·       the key role of the District and Borough Councils in collaborative place based working was also noted;

·       the Chairman encouraged Board Members to watch the discussion at the public Cabinet Meeting in July.